Chapter 55: Where is my girlfriend?

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I was in the bathroom making myself ready. I applied some make up and started to blend everything in when I suddenly heart Ariana yelling my name.

„What?" I yelled loudly back.

„Do you know where my red heels are? The one I had in my ba-nevermind I found them" I chuckled in response continuing what I did.

When I finished my make up, I dressed up in a black tight dress which hugged my curves perfectly. My hair were all over my shoulders. I just made them a bit wet and sprayed some hairspray on them so they won't fly around.

I made my way into the bedroom and searched for my perfume and Accessoires like a necklace, rings and some bracelets.

„Do you know where my black heels are?" I yelled at Ariana but she didn't respond.

„Ariana" no response. When I reached the door I already heard her singing and dancing around while she did her make up.

„These were baddest moves you've ever made" I said and she immediately tensed up turning around to me.

„Fuck you! Don't scare me!" She bellowed making me laugh.
„I'm sorry but I swear, it looked so funny"

„Anyways, do you know where my black heels are?"

Just now we started to stare at each other. The red dress she wore, accentuated her petite body in the most perfect way ever. Her beautiful smooth legs were shown, her toned arms, of course her straight haired ponytail.

She scanned my body just as much as I did hers. We were like eye-fucking each other intensely.

„Y-You look beautiful" she managed to stutter out still focusing on my body.
„You too, it fits you perfect" I responded.

Both of us got read trying to hide it behind the wide grin we had on our faces.

„A-About the heels-" I murmured.
„-Yes, right, uhm I-I placed them next to my shoe suitcase-I thought they were mine" I nodded thankfully.

By now I was ready. I was dressed up, my make up was good, I smelled good, my accessories were on point. I just waited for the beautiful woman who was my partner for tonight.

„Are you ready Ari?"
„Just a sec please"


me: are u guys going anywhere tonight?

court: I told you already
court: we want to get drunk again

me: I'm not dumb bitch
me: I meant where?

court: oh there's this fire party or what so we're going there

me: I knew it
me: Ariana and I will be there too

court: 😼😼😼😼

me: you're so dumb bitch

court: be honest shayana you missed me even tho I was a bitch

me: I'm being honest ...
me: no no no no no

court: mean bitch

me: love you too

„Okay I'm ready" Ariana said tapping my shoulder.

She looked absolutely stunning. Wow. She was so gorgeous.

„You're really beautiful" I said with a smile and she immediately blushed.
„You" she replied.

We started walking towards the party. It wasn't that far so we didn't need to go with the car.

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