Chapter 48: I wanna take you on a vacation.

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I poured another tequila in my glass afterwards slurping the last bit of it. I wouldn't say alcohol helped to live my life but right now that was the only thing which helped me to not break into tears.

„Oh Courtney, life is-is very hard" I mumbled feeling how drunk I already was.
„AG I think thats enough to drink now" Courtney mumbled but I didn't care.

„Almost-almost is Never e-enough" I started to sing loudly.
„Ari come on let's just get some sleep"

„I want some sleep Courtney-some sleep forever next to my baby Shay, and then? Then I would fuck her pu-"

„-Okay that was clear enough" she took me by my hand and the rest of the night was blurry after I laid in bed.


The sunlight woke up. If that wasn't enough I had the strongest headache ever. I didn't even want to open my eyes. I was such an idiot to drink that much yesterday.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes and saw a water bottle and a painkiller on my bedside table. Without thinking twice I drank it and stood up walking to my bathroom.

I looked like a mess.

„You're so dumb Ariana" I mumbled to myself as I stripped out of my clothes and went under the shower. When the warm water hit my skin, I received thousands of flashbacks which happened to be about Shay and I.


„I won" Shay cheered with her hands up.
„You cheated baby"

„I didn't cheat let's just admit that I'm faster than you and everything's okay" she uttered and I pouted as I sat on top of her.

„Maybe I'm just a bad loser hm?" 
„You definitely are babe" she responded placing her hands on my waist rubbing up and down.

„I might need something to cheer me up?" I whispered into her ear while she already placed soft kisses on my neck.

„I know something which could help you" she whispered kissing my lips passionate.

„Get in the shower, I'll come after"

I did what she said and took of my clothes walking into the shower. The warm water dropped on my hair, down to my face and further to my body.

5 minutes later, I heard the door close and soon after two hands wandering from my collarbone to my shoulder and down to my hands. I turned around and saw my girlfriend.

She poured two glasses of champagne into some glasses.

„To my win babygirl" she whispered clinking out glasses. I took a sip out of it and placed it on the mini table I had in my bathroom.

„So you think alcohol will cheer me up?"
„No I don't think, there's something else what will cheer you up" she started to kiss from my jawline, down to my collarbone.

„You drive me crazy Shay" I whispered trying to hold back my moans.

-Flashback over-

And again I started to cry. Every time I wanted to take a shower, I ended up crying like I don't know what.

„In the shower" I answered Courtney who was literally yelling at me.

„Be quick I need to tell you something" she uttered.

After ten minutes, I left the bathroom and saw Courtney sitting on the edge of my bed on her phone typing some random things.

„Watcha need?" I asked as I took some clothes out of my walk-in-closet.

„Uh it's like that—first I wanna make it up to you because I was a bad friend and did all this to you so—I thought I could-you know help you. I wanna take you on a vacation, just the two of us. I booked an apartment in Catania." I let out a chuckle facing her.

„That's really very cute but-I don't feel like going anywhere court-go with someone el-"
„-Please. Go with me. I really wanna make it up to you toots so just-say yes—okay?" she cut me off.

Maybe it would help me. I'll not think about her the whole time, I'll go on the beautiful beach also I love Catania. It was beautiful there.

„Alright" I gave in and she squealed in happiness.
„When are we going?"

„That's the point—uh-in 8 hours" she smiled widely. She knew exactly that I couldn't make it in 8 hours.

„Court I can't make it"
„Look you already showered so that's something good isn't it?" She argued and I sighed.

„I need to pack my stuff"
„I wish you luck because I need to do the same so I'll see you in a few hours alright?"I nodded and hugged her before she left my house.

By now I was really looking forward to the vacation I was about to take with Courtney. I know that our bond will be better than before. Also I'm glad that Courtney and I were friends again. I missed this bitch so much.



I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's short but I didn't know how to end it so it's like that now

I hope you enjoy your day :) next chapter is in progress

also for any wishes just tell mehhhh

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