Chapter 8: Do you like Courtney?

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„What?" I questioned in a higher tone. I looked over to Tiley, afterwards to Courtney who had a wide smirk on her face. And finally my eyes met Ariana who was just looking down without facing me.

„Either you kiss Courtney or you drink three shots of Vodka" everyone laughed and I just looked around.

„Come here babe" Courtney uttered standing up. The only thing I did was facing her again. She pulled me up by my hands grabbing my waist.

„I'm warning you, your lip is gonna be bloody after the kiss" I looked at her.

„Kiss, Kiss, Kiss" were the only words which I heard from the others.

Slowly I felt how she leant in. I felt her breath against my lips and I could say I felt so uncomfortable.

Just as it was about to happen, I snapped my head away and took a big step back.

„N-No, give me the shots" I said looking down. I felt some ashamed right now.

„Shay what the fuck?" Courtney asked I felt her staring at me.
„So it's like that?"

I didn't answer anything back. I just heard how she started to go away from me and the rest.

„What the fuck, why didn't you just kissed her?" Todd asked me and I sighed.
„I don't do shit, I told you I don't li-"

„-It's a fucking game Shay, chile" Emily uttered and my head snapped in her direction.
„So? I don't wanna kiss just because of a stupid dare"

It wasn't a complete lie, but it was more because I realized that I liked her. I fell for her.

„I'm gonna drive home" I responded to all of them.
„But we didn't even get dru-"

„-So? I'm not in the mood after your kissing shit, I dare Todd to kiss Darrion so? You would kiss him because you like him, right? And you wouldn't kiss anyone else." I cut them off and Todd and Darrion both started at me.

„Good" was the only thing which came out of my mouth before I made my way to the spot where my clothes were and the rest of my things of course.

I heard quit shuffles in the sand right behind me. I started to pack my stuff slowly also putting on my clothes again.

„Can I drive with you?" the most angelic voice uttered as I faced her.
„Of course" I responded and she gave me a weak smile.

When we finished, we made our way to my car where I put everything in the trunk.

„Are you going already?" Courtney's voice appeared somehow behind me. When I faced her I could say that she was sad or at least concussed. I nodded my head and she came closer to me.

„I know that you just didn't wanna kiss me in front of everyone" she came closer and whispered into my ear.

Okay forget the part when I said that she's sad or something.

„I'll see you around babe" she kissed my cheek and left leaving me really speechless.

The only thing I did, was getting in the driver seat and starting the engine.

The whole car ride was silent, until now because Ariana decided to speak up.

„Why didn't you kiss her?" I faced her and took a breath in.

„I just didn't- are you mad at me or something? I mean she's your best friend should I've kissed her?"
„-No" she raised her tone as I finished my sentence.

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