Chapter 3: I just made this for you.

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I was close to doze off to sleep. Suddenly my phone vibrated a few times as I decided to take a look.


unknown: hey
unknown: it's Shay

I smiled as I saved her contact before replying back.

me: hey
me: wyd rn I'm bored smh

shay🤍: sameee and I'm laying in bed I can't sleep shay🤍: also I'm sorry if I woke u up

me: u didn't are planning smth tomorrow?

shay🤍: I guess not u?

me: you wanna grab dinner tomorrow? I need to go to the auditions afterwards to pick some more dancers but like I said we can grab dinner in the evening

shay🤍: sounds good I'll pick you up if you're okay with it

me: actually let's have dinner at mine
me: I'll cook smth good or we can order smth
me: you can come around at like 7

shay🤍: Okay just text me the address I'll be there

I texted her the details as I looked at the the clock. I placed my phone somewhere next to me and turned around just be met with Courtney's drooling ass face.

I sighed and closed my eyes before I slowly fell asleep.


I woke up at 2 pm since I stayed up really long the whole night. After managing to get out of my bed, I got downstairs just to make myself some coffee and a bowl of fruit.

While I was eating, I texted my best friend. Thanks to her ass for pIcKiNg me up yesterday. Bitch.



bitch: i already apologized don't cry forever 🙄

me: stfu

bitch: how was audition?

me: I'm actually gonna join tour:)

bitch: really? I'm so glad for u baby
bitch: you'll make it
bitch: how's Ariana so far?

me: she's cute
me: we get along with each other very good and we're having dinner together

bitch: so you're having dinner with THE Ariana Grande?

me: I guess

bitch: u hoe

I finished my breakfast real fast afterwards I made my way into the mall to by myself some things.

After 3 hours of shopping I got a cute dress, some heels and a necklace from Tiffany's. I also bought some vine and chocolate for tonight at Arianas.

When I arrived home again, I started to make myself ready. It was 5 pm I guess and I just finished showering.

„You gotta move (You gotta move)
She make that back move (Damn)
She made the titties move (Goddamn)
I make the city move (Like whoa)" I rapped with Big Sean while I did my make up.

I finished with my whole outfit when it was something like six thirty. I stepped into my car and drove off to the address Ariana texted me the night before.


„So she's actually coming?" Courtney squealed happily and I rolled back my eyes.
„Yes she'll be here in a few, don't you need to go back home or something?"

She gave me a mad look before she made her way out. The last thing I heard was her, stepping into the car and driving off.

I placed two plates which made the table looked like finished. It was cute though and I was really proud of myself for cooking.

Suddenly my phone rang interrupting the whole moment.

„Yeah?" I answered the phone almost immediately.
„Ariana I'll stay the night at my parents I need to work" my boyfriend said. Once again my face expression changed from happy to somehow...sad?

„So when do you come home? We didn't see each other for like 3 days?" I complained hearing him sigh.
„Please Ariana just let me work, I'll be home soon. Bye."

I didn't even reply back. I just hung up and threw my phone on the couch again. I'm not gonna let him ruin my mood.

The doorbell rang, I grinned knowing it was Shay. With so much motivation, I opened the door and there she stood looking gorgeous.

My eyes widened immediately that second I saw her whole outfit. She was some mom-jeans with a matching shirt and of course some Nike Air Jordan 1's which completed her outfit.

I pulled her in for a hug smelling her perfume. She smelled so damn good. The hug lasted a few but soon both of us pulled away.

„How are you?" she asked me as I led her inside.
„I'm fine and you?"
„Yeah I'm fine too"

She smiled looking around and my dogs almost immediately started to jump on her.

„Oh god baby's" she kneeled down and started to pet Toulouse afterwards the rest.

Almost insane that Toulouse isn't barking or biting her. In fact he was licking her hand the whole time.

„These are all yours?" I nodded and that's when piggy came from the corner and Shay started to laugh.

She walked over to Piggy and picked her up stroking over her back.

„It's so cute" she uttered smiling at me.

Wow these white teeth, these eyes-she was built up different. She couldn't be human.

We started a conversation and I told her the names of my pets as she tried to repeat them all. A short time passed and we were sitting on the dinner table eating the pasta I made for her.

„I just made this for you because you told me how much you love pasta" I said with a small smile and she placed her hand on her chest.

„I'm honored Ms. Grande, I hope I'm the first one who you're making pasta like this"
„Actually you are" I replied and I could see a small blush on her cheeks.

We began to eat and she moaned at the taste of the food.

„It's so good Ariana"
„Just call me Ari, and thank you" I replied with a smile.

After we finished dinner, I suggested to go to my movie room and watch some good ass movies.

I made us a bowl of popcorn as we sat on the couch. Since we were watching a horror movie I was jumping up every time something happened.

I interlocked hands with Shay. She looked down for a couple of seconds causing her to blush but hiding it behind a small smile.

Suddenly the door opened...


I don't like this chapter at all but I had to post it :) I hope you'll still read this story

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