Chapter 40: Who is that?

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Could you say that I believed her? I don't know to be honest. Could you say that I was dumb? Totally yes.

When I pulled away slowly, I let my eyes closed enjoying the last moment of not being forced to be in the reality. Because the reality was hard, unacceptable.

„Shay I love you" were the words which made me open my eyes just to met her beautiful brown ones.
„Ariana..." I responded our foreheads resting against each other.

What will you do now Shay? What will you fucking do know?

„Please don't say anything. Just let us enjoy this moment okay? Just for now." I whispered kissing her lips again.

These sparkles were so strong that I didn't know what to feel anymore. I loved her so much but how could I trust her again? I wanted to trust her so bad. I wanted to fix everything between us but I was afraid of being hurt again.

When I pulled away again, I cupped her cheeks with my hands.

„Where did we get Ari" I asked myself hugging her tightly. Her head rested on my chest and I felt myself calm down immediately.

„You'll always be my first big love you know that?" I whispered going trough her hair.
„Why does it sound like you're leaving me"

I let out chuckle because it sounded very dramatically.

„I won't leave I promise you. Sometimes you have to listen to your heart and not to your brain." I responded kissing the top of her head.

„I just wanna give us time. The time we need to recover." I said and after that there was a moment of silence.

„Let's go to the waiting room again" I told Ariana hearing her sigh.

„You won't let me go, right?" I took her hand in mine kissing it softly. I just gave her a  smile. I don't want rush anything. Never again.

We walked back into the waiting room where my mom was still already signing in some papers.

„What are you doing mom?" I asked walking towards her taking a look on the papers.
„I just need to sign in this because of dad" I nodded.

„You can go to him, he is awake I already talked to him"
„Really?" with a bright smile I looked at my mother as she nodded.

I hugged her tightly kissing her cheek. Just as I wanted to enter the room, I looked back seeing Ariana standing in the middle of the waiting room. She gave me a smile responding with a smile too.

I pushed doorknob down opening the door to my dads room.

„Shay" his voice sounded very exhausted but still like this powerful man I've always knew. I ran towards him wrapping both arms around him softly.

„I was so afraid" I mumbled letting the tears out. These wasn't just the tears behause him. It was because of everything what happened.

„Don't be darling" he responded taking a strand of hair placing it behind my ear.
„Why are you crying hm?"

„I was so afraid dad. You had an accident, mom was broken and-"
„-It's because of her?" he cut me off softly with his voice.


What should I say? That I'm over her? That I want her back?

„Dad's so complicated I feel like there's someone throwing heavy stones at me. I can't take it. She's here. She broke up with her boyfriend because she realized she loved me. But how can I trust her? Sure I love her. A lot. I surely never will love someone like I love her."

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