Chapter 86: Boca de Lima

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Day after day went by and I felt how I slowly got better and better. I prayed, meditated and talked about how I feel with Amari. I went out, enjoyed the wetter, took sunbathes, went swimming and snorkeling and of course ate good food. Amari and I were together every day and had planned several of things.

We booked a flight from Montego Bay to Veracruz which was in Mexico. Amari had her grandparents there and took to opportunity to visit them with me. I was so excited already when we landed.

We took the cab and drove straight to them. They didn't know anything so it was a big surprise for them and she didn't see them for over four years so they will will happy for sure.

"De dónde son ustedes dos hermosas mujeres?" the woman who drove the cab questioned.

I could understand a bit since Spanish and Italian had some similar words or they sounded very similar.

"Ella es de estados unidos y yo soy de mexico pero vivo en londres" she answered and I can't lie, spanish fitted her really good. She talked very smoothly.

They continued to have a little chat while I looked trough the window seeing different types of beautiful things. Life was beautiful, you only gotta know how to live it and how to enjoy it. Everyone had their own different type of enjoyment but somehow we all find someone with who we share these moments.


After a twenty minutes ride, we finally arrived at Amaris grandparents house. You could already see the beach since their house was build up a bit higher.

"You excited huh?" I smiled at her taking our suitcases and all the stuff.

"You don't even know, I missed them so much. We talked on FaceTime but it isn't the same and I just wanna see them." she smiled widely.

We started walking and when we were in front of the door, she took a big breath in and rang the bell. When we heard light footsteps, the door opened and there stood an elderly woman with red short hair looking at us.

"Abuela" Amari squealed and hugged her tightly kissing her cheek.

"Amari eres realmente tú?" her grandma spoke up and and cried looking at her.

"Si, it's me abuela" her grandma hugged her another time and kissed her fifty more times.

"Abuela, I took someone with me, that's a very good friend of mine, we are on vacation together." Amari stepped aside as I smiled to her abuela. know exactly where she got them eyes from.

"Hola, I'm Shay" I said showing off my teeth as she pulled me into a hug.

"Ay Dios mío, you are a really beautiful lady. I'm Margarita but you can call me Abuela too" I laughed as she kissed my cheek smiling at me.

"Come all in" she said and led us inside where we met Amaris grandpa Victor. She introduced me to him and he as well gave me a quick hug looking at me.

They were really cute as fuck and we started talking to get to know each other. When it was time for dinner, Amari and I quickly made our way upstairs into a room where we're staying. It was a big bedroom with a bathroom inside it.

"I love it here already. Kind of feel like in Italy at my grandparents house. I need to take you there too."

"I'd love to" she replied taking out her biker leggings and putting them on since it was very hot I decided for some ripped shorts and changed into them.

We made ourselves a little bit ready and went downstairs. We were all going out to get dinner. Amaris grandparents wanted to show me the city so badly so I was very excited too.

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