Chapter 47: Only god can judge us.

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When Roze opened the door, both of us were met with a blonde girl facing us.

„Hey Roze, I thought we could-"
„-Uh yes, wait a second" Roze cut her off after taking her jacket and putting on her shoes.

„Uh-I-I need to go to my office with her, I'll be back as fast as I can okay?" I nodded my head and she just closed the door going out.

I sighed not knowing what exactly to think. I mean obviously I liked her but I wasn't ready to have sex with her. Not after I had sex with Ariana the last time. Somehow everything I did, reminded me on her and I hated it so much. I can't get my things together and just move on. As much as I wanted to forget her I couldn't and I acted like I didn't care about her even though it wasn't like that. I was fucking weak.

Just as I took my phone, i received some messages from the person I expected the least.


ariana: hey shay, I don't know where to begin but I need to tell you this
ariana: as much as you hate me, you have to know that I love you very much, more than anything on this world and I can't live without you. It's nothing without you and I feel just like trash. I know I'm a bitch and I can't explain how sorry I am for being a damn cheater and a bad girlfriend. I already apologized but I feel like it wasn't enough Shay.
ariana: I don't feel anything without you. I started drinking because I thought I could forget about everything but it's a complete lie, I don't want to forget about it and I can't because you're my life you're the one for me and I know it. Everyone makes mistakes and I swear to god that's not an excuse but I wanna show you how sorry I am for betraying u for leaving you for slighting u
ariana: pls let's meet up I'll come to you wherever you are but please shay let's meet up I can't stand it anymore I beg you

My eyes widened as I saw the text messages. I knew she felt it too. I felt a sting in my heart when I thought about her being a complete mess.

I received another notification hoping she texted me more.


court: I told her to stop but she was a crying mess I couldn't upset her more so

me: u guys good again?

court: I apologized you two were good friends for me and a beautiful couple
court: to be exact the most beautiful couple
court: but anyways
court: I'm with her and I'm trying to help her

me: you're coming on Saturday right?

court: duh

me: tell her u want to take her on a vacation
me: but don't say that I'm there
me: I'll book an apartment next to the one that I already booked so yeah

court: wait you actually wanna get back with her?

me: I want to tell her to stop cry
me: to stop being so hard to herself
me: I just wanna see her

court: OMG

me: and now pls comfort her

court: will do

I sat on my couch realizing what I did. Was I about to give her another chance? To give us another chance?

I did the best thing and called my mom.

„Hey mom" I spoke into the speaker.
„Hey darling how are you?" my mom asked me softly.
„I'm-okay mom, and you?"
„Me too, grazie, how's Milan?" she responded happily.

„Totally cool, I love it here"
„I'm so glad for you Shay"

„Mom I need your advice" i took a deep breath before continue to talk.
„I-it's about-"
„-Ariana isn't it?" my mom cut me off. I smiled and nodded even though she couldn't see me.

„What happened baby"
„Mom-I-I really don't know what to do anymore-like I'm so in love but something's holding me back mom. She hurt me so much but I'm still so in love with her. Why did we end like this mom?" I cried out loudly.

„Darling calm down please. Look, I know you're very sad and upset about it but listen to me. Love isn't always beautiful and perfect, it can be hurtful and dangerous Shay. When you're in love you can make wrong decisions, but you can also make right decisions Shay. The most important thing about love is to show regret! If you regret the thing you did, you'll notice it when you look into the persons eyes I promise you."

„I know it's hard to forgive someone Shay, especially when someone broke your feelings, betrayed you-but were all human. When god forgives everyone, who are we so we can't forgive our loved ones? Remember that only god can judge us Shay."

And with what she said now, she broke all of my promises to myself. As proud as I was, I crashed all of my promises and wanted to do what I wanted the most. I wanted my girlfriend back, the girl I loved the most, the girl who I wanted to become my wife.

„Mom I swear to everything I have, I love you so much!" I said to her and she chuckled.
„I know, a mother always knows, and I love you too darling. So now do what you wanted to do. I'm waiting for some great news okay?"

I hung up and threw my phone on the couch. A sigh of relief left my lips. I texted Courtney all the details for Saturday.

Tomorrow was Friday so I was about to take off earlier. Oh and about Roze, I'll talk to her and I know she'll understand that.

With these thoughts, I lay down and dozed off into sleep.


Well...I don't know what I wrote but I somehow like it :)

Do you have any wishes?

1.what do you think about Shay's decision?
2. do you think This will work out with Ariana and Shay?

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