Chapter 52: I would have give you the world.

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„How do you feel since everything happened?" I asked out of sudden trying to read the answer out of her eyes.

„Uhm-I-" just as she wanted to answer, her phone started to ring.

„Excuse me" she said and stood up walking somewhere further away.

So we are on this page? Saying excuse me for every little damn thing? I felt like I have thousand of butterflies in my belly but we're acting like strangers.
Like she was just some random girl who I accidentally ran in.

After some minutes, she came back sitting on her chair again. We were looking at each other and I swear, it felt so awkward by now.

Thank god I heard Courtney and the rest coming over to us.

„So guys, you really don't wanna join us?" she questioned and both of us shook their head in response.

„Uhm-we wanna go to a party, Courtney told us about it. It's more like in the town and so on but would you guys like to join us?" Victoria told us.

For a brief of second, I already wanted to say yes but the first, my mood isn't really the best right now, and second, they will recognize me so there's gonna be a lot of people around us and I really can't handle that right now.

How I wished that she will stay with me.

„I can't-you know the whole paparazzi thing and so on—I just don't wanna feel overwhelmed" I told them and they all nodded their head.

„Yeah I will stay here too" Shay finally uttered and I was ready to squeal but a bitch need to calm down.

„Alright, Shay you have the keys right?" she nodded her head and stood up taking her purse into her hand.

„Ariana, do you wanna go with me? I mean, we can watch a movie if you'd like to"
„Yeah, I'd love to"

I stood up, and we made our way to the apartment where she was staying. We were walking trough the sand both of us sinking in because of our heels.

„I swear to everything, I'm gonna take this shit off right now" she said and kneeled down opening her heels. I let out a chuckle and kneeled down too taking it off too.

„If there's a bug I'll totally scream" she said watching exactly where she was going.

„I remember this. You know one time when were sleeping and you somehow woke up, and you was like ‚Ariana I swear to god, something touched me'" I started to laugh as I remember what happened.

„And I was like ‚Let me sleep it's 3 in the morning' and what did you do? You stood up and turned on the light and then you saw this mini bug walking on the wall."

„So? I told you something was touching me and I didn't lie. It was on me. It fucking touched me Ariana." she corrected me.

„Mhm I see, guess who needed to kill the poor bug, I! The best thing about the story is, that you slept with the window wide open."

„Mhm, and I still sleep with an opened window, I can't breath girl the air is so dirty if it's not open"
„You're really something else Shay"

When we finally arrived her place, she opened the door and placed her heels down. Not even waiting for a second she tried to unzip her dress while cursing about it.

„Uhm-do you—need some help?" I asked as I saw how she fought with the zipper. She turned around and didn't know if she should face me or not.

„—Actually—yeah, that would be nice" she responded, turning around again.

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