Chapter 73: I love the taste.

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Everything was on the floor by now. My vase, my lamps, my phone, my notebook and even my tv. I smashed everything on the ground feeling guilt rushing trough my body and my whole being.

I was the manipulative bitch who broke her heart. Again. And again. And again.

I was a cheater. In every way. I lied to her, I gave her trust issues, I caused so much pain to this beautiful soul.

But I realized things. I can't be with her. Because I'm afraid that I will hurt her again. If I'd be honest I wish she never met me. Because her life would be better without me, without the memories we made, without the arguing, without her being cheated on.

Don't get me wrong. I want to be with her so bad, I want to marry her, to be by her said, but I promised myself something. If I ever break her heart again, I'll distance myself from her. For her. Because she didn't deserve to be treated like that.

„-Don't talk to me—please" I cut my mother off while she looked at the ground seeing glass and stuff which was broken.

Her eyes made its way to meet mine. I could see that she was ready to cry.

„Don't cry mom—nothing of this is—your fault" I started but her tears were already dripping down her cheek.

„Did I raise you like this Ariana?"
„Mom, No! Please don't think like that. Nothing of this is your fault—I-I don't know what I did okay? I was a horrible girlfriend—a horrible fiancée—everything was horrible. I broke her heart I know. It's my fault. I'm a bitch, fuck I hate myself so much." I yelled as I took the vase which was next to me and threw it onto the ground.

„Please go!" I tried to say as calmly as I could.

My mom didn't even hesitate and left my house.



„Well-I need to say that it's actually a big difference between being with a woman who already had sex experience with a woman before." I told Kehlani as I trailed her neck with my nails leaving sloppy kisses.

Kehlani and I had sex.
God was I dumb?
No I was drunk.
As fuck.

„You definitely know how to work with your tongue and your fingers, mamas" Lani whispered, pulling me into a hungry kiss.

Her touch was so beautiful, her body was so incredible, her moans made me want much more Kehlani-time. This woman was a whole different era than Ariana. And to be honest, I didn't even regret having sex with her. Kehlani showed me so much in this 1 hour of making love.


„You think we gon' regret this tomorrow when we're sober" she questioned starting to get insecure.
„Maybe you will, I definitely won't" I whispered ghe last part making her chuckle.

„Believe me, you're a whole different woman in bed than in life. I won't regret anything which is bounded to you, Shay."

I chuckled back and slipped my tongue into her mouth kissing her lips passionately. A moan escaped her mouth when I wanted to pull away but not before biting her bottom lip.

„You're so hot" she complimented her causing me to blush.


Loud noises woke me up as I opened my eyes. God, it was so bright the dumb ass sun was shining. After stretching myself, I got to realize that I was naked wrapped in cover which I clutched to my chest.

From looking to the ceiling to look to the left side, I found an empty bedside next to me. The only thing which was there, was a water and some painkillers. Wow what a miracle that I'm not having this headache I used to have after getting drunk.

I took my phone into my hand and already saw thousands of messages.


unknown: hey it's dalton, thanks for driving me, hope you're doing sorry 4 you if u ever need smth you can text me


court: hey can I borrow those brown heels u have at Ariana's?????

vic🤎: hey big baby, I heard what happened... I'm really sorry for you. If you ever need something you can text me, call me or whatever. Love you

frankie: i'm really sorry about what happened. you know I love you so much and nobody can ever replace you. You're a part of our family shu shu and if you ever need anything, mama and I are here for you. love u x

As I read the whole messages, my mind immediately wandered back to what happened at Arianas. A sigh left my lips and I knew the only good thing to do was starting to heal. To be me again.

I stood up and made my way into the bathroom where I took a quick shower before putting on a random bath robe.

„I really love this robe it's so flu-" I said as I went downstairs but I cut myself off when I saw Kehlani standing with a guy to who she was talking.

„Uh-I-I'm sorry—I'm-" I stuttered looking at both of them. Lani quickly came up to me with a big smile.

„Uhm-Javie, this is Shay—a—friend of mine—Shay that's Javie-Adeyas dad" I introduced them to each other.

„You have some lit curls" he said looking at her wet curls which were spread over her shoulder. She let out a chuckle before she yanked her hand back from their hand shake.

„Anyways-Kehlani I need to go if you need anything else just text me alright?" he said and Lani nodded.

When he left, she turned to me with a wide smile on her lips.

„Good Morning beautiful" I blushed at her compliment as she made her way towards me placing her hands on my waist.

„How did you sleep?" she questioned looking into my eyes.
„Very good" I chuckled placing my arms around her neck.

Something told me to lean in. But was that right? I mean it was. I was a single woman.

That's what I did, I pecked her lips quickly before facing her again.

„Mmh I love that taste—I wanna try another one" she whispered and I smiled kissing her another time.

Afterwards we went into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

I wouldn't call this awkward at all. But was this, what I wanted?

I was so confused.


Hey guys, hope you like it tell me your opinion in the comment. Maybe it's really confused to some of y'all but believe me:) for me it is too. But i'm havin good ideas so I hope it will work out the way I want.

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