Chapter 54: Live for today.

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The knocking on the door woke up me up. I had a deep sleep since I fell asleep next to Shay again that I barely could hear it. I wanted to get up before the person broke the door but Shay's legs and arms were all over me.

„I need to get the door ba-Shay" I softly mumbled stroking over her face.

She didn't wake up but turned around so could escape her grip. The knocking on the door got louder and louder.

„Jesus, what the hell is wrong with this perso-" I opened the door before I could finish the whole sentence.

In front of me was staying an obviously taller woman with brown hair. She was cute but I didn't know her so what did she want to do here?

When I finished studying her body and her face, I finally spoke up.

„Can I help you?" I asked and it came out more like a bad attitude towards her than I expected to be.

„Uhm-I'm not sure if it's the right room, is Shay Davis staying here?"

Just as I heard her name rolling over her lips, I paid my whole attention to the brown-haired woman.

I answered with a simply „yes" crossing my arms.

„Can I please see her? I'm-Roze, it's about Business" she grinned and I could already say that she pissed me off with her behavior.

„She's still sleeping" I said in a bitch tone giving her the necessity to piss of. I exactly knew who she is.

„Uhm-okay, then please give that to he-" she had been cut off by Shay's voice who stood right behind me. Magician?

„Hey, what are you doing here?" Shay asked stepping out.

„I need to give you the papers to sign it you know, the things with your parents company, I need to send them back." she explained to her.

„Yeah I know but what are you doing here in Catania? We saw each other the last time in Milan we we—talked" Shay uttered and Roze nodded.

„I really didn't know you were going to stay in this part of Catania. I just wanted to chill out somewhere." Roze muttered and looked at Shay.

I really didn't like the way she was facing her. I could already see how she admired Shay's face. I mean who wouldn't? But it's too obvious.

„I'll just sign the paper real quick" Shay told her and took the papers inside.

Roze and I were looking at each other. I didn't like the way she looked at me and hurt started to ignore her. What did she want from Shay?

„Here you go" Shay handed her the paper again.

„Uh-do you wanna go for a wa-"
„-Roze we talked about that—please let me just enjoy my vacation—please" Shay begged leaning against the door frame.

„Alright then, bye"

„Why did she come here?" I asked just as we walked inside and closed the door.
„Why did she look for you hm?"

„Calm down gorilla, I needed to sign the papers for the company, when we were in Milan, she did that for me since she's better at it. I guess she just came here by coincidence." Shay defended herself.

She defended herself good, I almost believed her. But as I said, almost. I was about to kill a bitch. And fuck, I was jealous. I didn't burn like fire, I was the fire. I was angry and mad just that she looked at Shay the way I do.

„That's the bitch you posted on Instagram—right?" I asked her and she let out a loud chuckle. She just responded with a simply „yes" like it wasn't a big deal.

„That's the girl you kissed right?" and again her response was a „yes".

I started to walk towards the bedroom just to dress myself up. I was so jealous. I didn't have the right to be but I could care less.

„I know you're mad and jealous" Shay spoke out with a small chuckle afterwards.

„So? What's the problem, I guess I'm allowed to be, right?" I cleared to say and she just chuckled.

„So what are we gonna do today?" I asked after a little.
„First I wanna eat something, I'm so hungry. And afterwards we can do whatever you want. We can go to the beach, or I don't know."

„I wanna get drunk"
„We're drunk all the time bro" she responded with a smile.

„Don't ever ‚bro' me"

We started to laugh so badly, I couldn't even hold back my tears before I managed to bring myself down.


A few hours went by and Ariana and I were laying on the sand taking a sunbath. While I was enjoying the sun I was tapping on my phone stalking several Fanpages and liking some edits. Ariana was asleep for an hour I guess.


court: hey how's it going?

me: good, we're on the beach what are you guys doing?

court: nothing, we will get drunk tonight
court: are you planing on going back to Los Angeles soon?

me: to be honest yeah...
me: but I wanna enjoy it here
me: I wanna give everything
some time especially after what happened
me: I wanna take everything slow court

court: I know babe, and it's okay she understands that

me: I'm just afraid of getting hurt again

court: she won't let this happen another time shay we talked so many times about it
court: she feels fucking bad for what she did to you

me: I know but I don't know if this will ever work out again and I'm afraid of it

court: don't think about that now
court: fuck it Shay
court: live for today man you'll never know what will happen next week or in one month or in a year or idk
court: fuck it, imagine you die tomorrow and you never kissed her because you were afraid of smth, FUCK EVERYTHING AND BE FUCKING HAPPY OKAY????

„Shay? Are you okay?" just as I wanted to text back, I felt Arianas hand on my forearm facing me.

„Uh-uhm-yeah, I'm just reading something. Did you sleep good?"
„Yes, it was a good nap" she smiled at me.

„Tonight's a ‚fire party', should we go?" I questioned out of nowhere. She searched for eye contact at which I gladly gave in.

„Are there paps?" she whispered.
„Fuck them, let's make us ready and just go"

„You're right, what time is it right now?"
„6:30 pm, lets go home, take a shower, make ourself ready and then let's go, okay?" I suggested and she nodded.

We packed our things and made our way to the apartment again where we made ourself ready for the party. I wanted to live for now. I wanted to live for today and not waste any time anymore.


Hey guys, I'm sorry that I didn't post anything in a while. I really had a lot to do with school but now it's over (thank you Jesus), I hope you're good. How did you like the chapter? I somehow forgot how to write, but I'll give my best to write some good chapters for you.

Do you have some special wishes what I should write? Comment down below.

love you x

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