Chapter 25: Don't panic.

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I was waiting for my girlfriend to pick me up. I was really excited about seeing her family again. I really liked them a lot. Also I finally finished the song. I was proud about me writing a song all alone. It was easy to write though. I wrote what I felt, how I felt. What I think. And what I wanted.

I heard the motor of a car and just when I looked up from my phone, I saw the white Range Rover in front of me.

I sat in facing my girlfriend who had a big smile on her face.

„Hey dimples" she greeted me cupping my cheeks. She placed her lips on mine as both of us closed our eyes.

„How was the studio today hm?"
„Quit good, how was it at home baby?" I questioned.

„Good. Jaden didn't come home yet. He's outside with some ass friends of his. Also my mom and I made some good dinner. I'm so hungry."


„If you're that hungry I've got an idea" she whispered smirking at me. I raised my eyebrows at her.

„I wanna get the dessert after the meal baby, not other way around" I sent her a wink and she pouted her lips.

After 5 minutes we arrived her house and she went to take shower. During the time, I watched some more episodes of ‚Keeping Up with the Kardashians'.
I also was on Twitter replying to some tweets.



Why didn't Ariana express why she broke off with Dalton?
@ShayDavis bc it's very private and it's a thing between the two of them 🤷🏽‍♀️

With whom of the team r u the closest with?💗
@ShayDavis probably Ariana herself and with Taya and Tiley I guess 🖤

Is that right that you're dating Courtney?
@ShayDavis no.

Is Ariana in love with someone?
@ShayDavis I don't know 🤷🏽‍♀️

Is she really releasing a song this Saturday a week before the tour starts????????????😱😱😱
@ShayDavis ✨Ariana Grande✨

Do you have a bf?
@ShayDavis nah, nah, nah, nah🤨

My head wandered up from my phone when I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I saw Ariana all ready hair done, make up done, dressed.

„You ready?" she questioned holding out her hand.
„Uh-yeah" I couldn't stop staring at her.

She was beautiful. She was so perfect. She always was.

„Are you good?" she questioned pulling me back to reality.
„Uhm-yes, uh yeah it's just, you're so beautiful you know that right?" she smiled trying to hide the blush which was appearing on her cheek.

„You are. And I'm so happy to be with you." I smiled and cupped her cheeks giving her a gentle and soft kiss on the lips.

„I love you" I whispered meaning it in every way.
„I love you too"

She was so perfect. How can someone be this perfect? That's not real isn't it?


After a quick drive, we arrived at my parents house and were sitting in the dining room. We finished the meals a few minutes ago and Jaden still didn't came back home so I decided to call him.

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