Chapter 76: Do the right thing.

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We arrived London a few hours ago and were chilling in the hotel room by now.  I was laying on her lap while she went trough my hair. I felt so safe with her. Even though nothing was okay in my life and I had a lot of things needing to get done, like discuss things out with Ariana and all, I still enjoyed the little moments.

„I wanna take you out"  Lani said and I smiled.
„What if somebody see's us?" I questioned sounding worried.

„That's why—I ordered some good food which will be served in our room" I smiled kissing her lips.

This woman was so caring.

„Why do you need to be so perfect?" I asked and she chuckled.
„I gotta ask you the same question Ms. Davis"


After having dinner, we were laying in bed watching tv. My hand rubbed up and down her thigh remembering me what I was doing before we went to London.

With my hand, I always got higher and higher making her breath hitch for a few seconds.

„Baby" she whispered looking at me.

Her beautiful eyes got darker and a wide smirk made it's way on my lips.

I attached my lips to hers and kissed her passionately. Every time I deepened the kiss more and more and my hands made it's own way to her beautiful body. I was first rubbing up and down her sides and then grabbing her ass.

But before I took things further, I pulled away and stood up.

„I need you to do something for me—I never did this before—but I wanna try it—with you and for you" I said and she smiled standing up too.

„I'm in baby" she said and I smiled pecking her lips.

I walked over to my suitcase and took out the blindfold as well as some handcuffs.

„I want you all for myself alright?" I told her and I was really wondering that she let me be the dominant part since it's always her.

„I'm all yours babygirl"

I smiled and kissed her again. I pushed her onto the bed and started to kiss from her lips, to her neck.

I took her hands and placed them above her head cuffing them onto the bed frame but not before taking off her upper clothes.

You are beautiful" I said out loud and she blushed.

That's when I also attached the blindfold around her eyes.

„I'll be back in a second"

I kissed her lips a last time before I went into the bathroom debating on which lingerie I should put on.

Just as I wanted to take the red one, my phone rang.

„Hello?" I said into the phone the only thing I was hearing, were quit muffles. I immediately looked at the caller ID and it said Joan.

„Joan what happened?" I asked and heard her breath out.

I quickly walked into the bedrooo releasing Kehlani from the bed and throwing a shirt at her so she wasn't naked anymore.

„Joan please talk to me what happened, why are you crying" I asked her going trough my hair.
„A-Ariana is-i-in hospital" she somehow got out and that's when I felt a sting.

„What? What happened-"
„-I-don't know—I'm driving to the hospital right now— Courtney's there" she cried out and I sighed.

„Mama G listen, stay strong alright? Don't let yourself down, I'm not in the states right now but I'll come as fast as I can alright?"

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