Chapter 87: What would be your way?

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Amari was driving this yacht like she did it hundredth of times. I was so happy that I couldn't even put it into words. It was like magic. It was everything I ever imagined. At some point she stood up and walked over to me.

"Enjoying the sun huh?" I nodded looking at her.

She sat besides my and put my sunglasses on my head starring into my eyes.

"Wanna go into the wota?" she questioned pinching my cheek. I playfully smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist not even considering to stand up.

"Only if you say it one more time like this" she laughed at me shook her head.

"You're crazy babe" she pulled me up and led me to the ladder.

We weren't far from the beach since she had to "park" the boat somewhere. I got inside the water which felt cold at first but I got used to it very fast and before I knew Amari came at me and spurted water at me. When she stopped I came at her and wrapped my arms around my neck as she supported me by holding my legs.

"You getting that back" I whispered into her ear with a smirk. She just laughed at that and started swimming a few rounds not letting go of me.

"I'm so thankful for you, I don't know what I would've done without you"

"You'd still live your life, I know you'd get out of this" she replied.

I loved the way she looked at me with her big blue eyes. It had something magical and something so attractive.

I was in trance when she slowly licked her lips. She was sexy, gorgeous, she had everything I ever imagined. She was so- Okay I should stop.


Hours went by and we got back to her grandparents house. They were still out and Amari told me that they will stay at their friends house tonight so we had the house for ourselves.

"Should we go to out to get dinner?" she questioned me looking into the mirror refreshing her lipgloss.

"If you're down let's do it"

"Oh I'm always" she answered.

My phone rang as I picked up. The cutest face on earth appeared on the screen and my lips went up.

"Hello my baby" I greeted my little niece as she squeaked and smiled back at me.

"Auntie misses you baby girl" I talked to her. She smiled widely like she knew what I was telling her.

"You wanna come to Auntie soon hm? My little baby girl." she started moving her arms and legs making me laugh.

"Hey Jaden" I greeted my brother who was holding the camera.

"Thanks for noticing me so fast" he laughed and waved at me.

"Yeah no problem, how y'all doing? Where's Vic?"

"We're fine, Vic's in the studio singing some new song. How are you?"

"I'm actually really good, chilling in Mexico" I replied playing with my hair.

"I heard about that, mom told me about it." I laughed at that shaking my head.

"You're with a friend right?" I nodded my head.

"Her name's Amari"

"Where's she from?"

"Originally she's half Latina half Jamaican, but she lives and works in London."

"Ah nice, what does she do for work?"

"She's writer actually. Some kind of big poet. But she also directs movies and series."

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