Chapter 63: I am not jealous.

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It was the next morning and all of us had a little hangover after the release party yesterday. Ariana was still sleeping since she got a little bit too much alcohol last night. By now I was still in the kitchen waiting for my toasts to be ready when I suddenly received a call from somebody.

"Hello?" I picked up curious as I saw an unknown caller ID.
"Hey, is this Shay Davis?" a woman's voice appeared trough the speaker.

„Uhm, yes that's right, who am I talking to?" I asked politely when I just heard a cute giggle.
„It's Kehlani"

„Oh-oh my god I'm sorry but I'm not having your number saved so I thought you're a pap or I don't know who found out my number" I said and started laughing.
„So you can call me a psycho since I looked for your number in my managers phone but do what you have to do girl"

„Anyways I just phoned you because I wanted to let you know that the rehearsal for the spot is on Tuesday and I wanted to ask you something really special."

„Ask me then" I said with a small giggle following.
„I heard and saw obviously that you're a great dancer, it's just a question but I wanted to ask you if you can go for some dance moves a few times. You'll also be the model but I like your groove." she complimented.

„Oh my god it's really cute, thanks. Of course I can dance but I guess it will take a few days for me to get to know the choreography."

„Oh that's no problem, I'll send you the video of the choreography so you can watch it a few times."

„Thanks, I appreciate that"

„So uhm I guess we will see each other on Tuesday then, right?" I nodded even though she couldn't see me. I'm so dumb.

„Mhm" I added before she let out a chuckle. We said goodbye to each other and hung up.

„Who was that?" I recognized my girlfriends voice who happened to stand just behind me.

„It was Kehlani, she was calling because of the  spot" I told her taking a sip of my coffee.
„Aha okay, so what did she say?"

„She asked me to dance in her music video and I obviously said yes and yeah, she just told me the details and that's it."

„Alright" Ariana said and I immediately knew that she got annoyed and mad.

I decided on ignoring her emotion and just continue to talk to to her.

„So who's the birthday girl tomorrow hm?"
„Not Kehlani" she responded sounding very pissed.

„Why are you jealous now?"
„I'm not jealous and don't smirk at me like that-i'm not jealous" she uttered making herself a cup of coffee.

„Okay what are you then?" I stood up and walked over to her my fringes brushing over her arm.

„Nothing. I'm nothing. Why did she call you?"  I let out a loud chuckle as she looked at me very annoying.

„I told you, she told me the details Jelaousiana, did you finish being jealous?"

„I'm not jealous" she said a bit louder and that's when I decided to push her against the fridge. My hands held her by her wrist so she couldn't escape.

„You sure?" I whispered into her ear and I could  hear her breathing out.

„It's good that you're not jealous, because you shouldn't be. For me there's only you remember that." I provoked licking down her jaw.

Suddenly the door rang causing me to lighten my grip.

„So you better loose this attitude" I added before i turned around. Just as I wanted to take a step to answer the door, she turned me to her by yanking at my hand.

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