Chapter 64: Happy Birthday baby!

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The next day, I got woken up by text messages blowing up my phone. A groan left my mouth when I looked to my right and didn't see my girlfriend by my side. I fell asleep at hers but there was no piece left of her.

I stretched myself a bit before I got up and made my way downstairs. Just as I opened the door, I saw rose petals all over the floor leaving me to go downstairs. I smiled to myself placing my hand around my mouth.

„You're really something else Shay" I mumbled to myself before I took the steps downstairs.

„Happy birthday my love" Shay's voice appeared when I entered the kitchen where the petals also ended.

On the table we're four bouquets of roses, one bouquet with red roses, one with white, one with pink and last but not least one with blue petals.

I wasn't able to open my mouth but instead she came over to me and took my hands in hers before she spoke up.

„I wish you anything but good in this world because you really deserved this.Thanks for being my girlfriend! I'm so proud to have you Ariana and every minute which is passing I'm thankful to god that you're walking on this planet. I know we went trough a lot, but I'm over everything what happened and I'm so glad we sorted things out. You're such a blessing soul and I don't know what I would do if I was here without you. Thank you for making my day, thanks for cheering me up, thanks for crying with me, thanks for laughing with me, thank you for being you. Maybe you don't feel the love that I'm giving you, but baby I'm trying my best to make you feel special because damn it you are so fucking special Ariana. I love you with my whole heart." she spoke and that's when the waterworks started.

We didn't break eye contact since the time I stepped in the kitchen.

„I love you so much Shay" I mumbled into her chest as I continued to cry.

„Don't cry baby" she let out a chuckle kissing the top of my head. I faced her and cupped her cheeks placing my lips over her soft ones.

„So, please babes take a seat and we're gonna have breakfast together. I made your favorite. Blueberry pancakes, vegan eggs and other good shit you're down for." I chuckled and we started to eat.

After we finished breakfast, she told me to make myself ready so we could go out to my family's since they wanted to see me. I mean she knows me the best. It's not even 3 pm and we need to be there at 8. A bitch needs long as fuck.

I decided to wear a white tight dress which lasted a bit over my thighs so it wasn't too short but not too long. A pair of white heels completed my outfit since I already did my make up.

„Ari are you ready?" I heard Shay yelling from downstairs. Damn, sometimes being Italian is really overrated. We're way too loud. Not complaining sometimes though.

A last look in the mirror and I went downstairs just for both our jaws to drop at the same time.

She wore a nude dress, matching heels and her adorable curls in a ponytails since I had one too.

„Fuck my family and please fuck me instead" okay I didn't mean to say that out loud.

She let out a chuckle before taking my hand and pulling me to her. Every little space between our bodies closed at this point and my heart immediately started to beat faster. It's always been like that since we started dating.

„You're getting anything you want today babes...but it's kinda scheduled with your family so don't let them wait. But trust me I'll get a taste of the birthday girl...tonight." she whispered kissing my cheek.

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