Chapter 19: Dance session.

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Ariana and I used to relax on the couch the whole day. We were watching some quit good shows and we were talking a bit about the whole situation also tour, everything.

„So do you have in mind to tell your family that we are together?" Ariana asked playing with my fingers moving the rings up and down.

„For sure I will, what's about you?"

„I wanna tell them badly but I wanna wait a few weeks maybe. You know just-I'm afraid the paps will take a pic and everyone will see it before I can even make it public." she replied with a serious and concerned face expression.

„I understand you, look we will be more careful about that, so I guess no holding hands in public, no kissing breaks after the dance session" I acted like it hurt me so much and she let out her gorgeous giggle.

„Just kidding, whenever you're ready, I am too" I kissed the tip of her nose and stood up.

„You want some popcorn too?" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen.
„I'm really amazed that you wanna share with me" she yelled back and I rolled my eyes preparing a bowl.

After I came back, we continued to watch the show eating popcorn and shit. It was our second day in the cottage by now and tomorrow was a session in the venue.

That meant that we had to go back home today since both of us hadn't got anything here.

„When do you wanna drive baby?" I asked going trough her natural curls.
„What time is it?"

„8 pm, I'm okay with everything but you know that we have to be there at 7 in the morning" she groaned and sat up from my chest rubbing her eyes.

„I'll just-pack everything in and then we can go, okay?" she sounded a bit angry.

„Ari is everything okay?" I asked following her as she picked up her clothes which covered the floor.

„Everything's fine Shay"
„It's obviously not Ariana, just tell me what's up" I responded and she sighed.

„I just wanna be with you the whole day, laying around with you, showing everyone how much you mean to me" I rubbed over her thumb trying to comfort her.

„I don't wanna hide anything what I have with you because you're so amazing, I'm so glad to have you" she added and I smiled at her cupping her face.

„Look, we don't have to hide anything, but believe me let's keep this a secret for a few weeks, than we're just gonna tell our family's and friends, and afterwards we can tell your fans, and everyone."

„You're right, let's do it like this" she smiled and I pecked her lips passionate.

We finished packing and sat into the car when we finished. I noticed that Ariana fell asleep after 5 minutes of driving.

When I arrived her house, I took the keys out of her bag and opened the front door. Then I slowly picked her up bride style and carried her into her room.

I placed her on the bed and took off her shoes. I covered her with the sheets and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

„Sleep good angel" I whispered in her ear before I made my way to my car and finally home.


I took a warm shower and smashed my body on the bed. It was something like 11 pm by now and I was relaxing on my phone checking some new messages.

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