Chapter 57: I don't wanna go without you.

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-5 days later-

Ariana and I were relaxing with Courtney and Victoria who were the only ones who knew about us. Of course my brother Jaden too.

It was our last day here in Catania before they fly back to Los Angeles. Also I was about to go home to Milan. Ariana and I didn't really discuss things out. I mean not yet.

I didn't know if I should move back to Los Angeles immediately. I don't want the press to find out that we're together. At least not now. I'd rather keep this a secret for a while, it's better for us. I want to be more private for first.

If we should tell this our family? Probably. I don't want to rush anything. I really wanna take this slow.

„So you guys are like—a couple again—right?" Courtney asked unsurely. Ariana and I nodded at the same time.

„I always knew it! You guys are just meant to be bitch!" she whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear.

My arm was relaxing around Arianas shoulder. Her head was resting on my chest while scrolling trough her phone.

„Are there already any rumors?" I asked her softly.
„No, I didn't see any of them. It's good though. I like this privacy at the moment." she answered and I smiled kissing the top of her head.

„Have you told your family?" Victoria questioned facing the both of us.
„I mean obviously Jaden knows but does Frankie know? Or you moms? Nonna?"

„I will talk tell Frankie when I come back to LA" my girlfriend said with a chuckle following.

„I think my mom already knows it since I talked about it with her—but I'm not sure about it yet. She's like a stalker but when the press didn't find out yet then she couldn't find out too—righ-" the sound of my phone cut me off.

I looked at my friends with my eyes wide open.

„It's not who I think it is right?" Victoria asked and I chuckled.

It couldn't be her.

„Read it the fuck, don't let us wait now" Courtney yelled and I took my phone quickly.

3 messages from mom

This can't be happening right now.

„It's from my mom" I said in shock.


mom: hey honey, I just wanted to ask you how it's going
mom: how are you?
mom: did you already talk to Ariana 🌺🌺

(A/N: does your mom always send some random emojis? Out of nowhere????)

„What did she text?" I gave Courtney the phone and she started to read it out loud. Everyone was kinda shocked by now. My mom really knows the timing.

„What are you gonna text back?" I shrugged my shoulders hiding my face in my hands.

„Don't tell her yet, let's tell them at least together. Like over the phone it's crap, don't you think so? Ariana said almost immediately.

„I think so too" Vic encouraged her.

„Yeah I guess I'll wait, just tell her that I'm busy right now and I'll talk to her later okay?" She nodded and texted her exactly the things I said.

We continued to talk for a bit before Ariana and I decided to head to my apartment since the half of her stuff was at mine by now.


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