Chapter 22: I love you.

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We entered Shay's house and turned on the lights. To be honest, I was still horny from the hot lap dance she gave me.

We went upstairs and just as I wanted to smash my body on the bed, I was pushed against the door which closed.

A breath escaped my lips as she rested her hands against the door so I couldn't escape from her grip.

„I want you so bad right now" she whispered eagerly into my ear. Even if I already was pushed against the door, I tried to push harder since I felt the heat rush trough my body.

With her finger, she traced my jawline. From there she want to my neck wrapping her hand around it. Not to hard, it was perfect though and it aroused me more and more. With her thumb, she went over my lips and placed her hand finally on my cheek while the other was still around my neck.

„You make me wanna do things I've never did. Ariana, do you know that?" these were the last words which came out of her mouth before she pressed her soft lips on mine.

Both of her hands wandered to my waist resting there. I also wrapped my arms around her neck deepen the kiss like I did always.

A quit moan escaped my mouth when she squeezed my hips slightly. Fuck I want her inside of me. I never wanted it so badly.

With a tap on my thigh, she gestured that I should jump so I did. She held me by my thigh not breaking the kiss.

„Fuck me" I begged between the kiss. She looked at me with a small smirk and reconnected our lips again.

Her tongue explored my mouth and my did the same to her. At some point I couldn't resist but bite her bottom lip between my teeth.

She walked over to the bed and smashed me on it soon getting on top of me.

I loved it to kiss her and we also kissed a lot but the kisses we shared now, we're different. She made me feel so special.

From my lips she slowly made her way to my neck with wet sloppy kisses. She started to suck on it me being sure that she will leave marks.

A romantic song was played in the background making everything already more perfect than ever.

She twirled her fingers around my shirt and I just raised my arms to give her the sign to pull it over. I was left in my bra. She kissed my chest again my lips, everything was so passionate.

I tugged on her shirt and not second after, she was also left in her bra.

„Baby I need you so bad" I moaned out and she smirked. She left kisses from my chest, down to my stomach and just as she reached the band of my shorts, she looked up asking for permission again. She's so caring.

I nodded a few times and she just took them off her eyes wandering on my legs. She stroked with her hand up and down. She stood up and took off her shorts too leaving her in some sexy red lingerie. I couldn't resist but bite my bottom lip.

„Fuck, you're so hot" I mumbled more to myself than her.
„No, you are" and with that I was pulled in a kiss again.

Her hands wandered behind my back unclasping my bra. She threw it somewhere across the room. She looked down and then up to me. I always had a problem with my boob size.

„You're so perfect" she smiled and started to kiss my breast. A moan left my throat as she started to suck on my left nipple, messaging the other boob.

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