Chapter 34: It's not your fault.

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I stormed out the venue not knowing where to go. Everything was blurred since I cried that much. How could she do that? Was I so worthless to her? I sure was. Nobody would do that to a person until someone really doesn't care about you.

Just as I wanted to go somewhere, I felt hands pulling me back. When I turned around I saw Taya. She was also crying pulling me to her.

„I'm so sorry for you" she mumbled caressing my while I cried on her shoulder.
„H-How do you know?"

„It was obviously loud enough for everyone to hear, also Dalton-kissed Ariana in the front."
„I swear I'm gonna fuck up this dude I swear-"

„Believe me baby, he's really not worth it" she cut me off placing a soft kiss on my head.
„How could she do something like that, was I-bad for her? Did I do anything wrong?" I questioned sobbing into her neck.

„No baby you weren't! She was the dumb one and I'll tell you that she'll regret it so much. She will beg you to come back to her I know that. Because she doesn't know how to appreciate people. But when she regrets the things, you'll be happy without her. Trust me."

„Thanks Taya, I really appreciate that"
„No need to thank me, and now we're going to take our things and we're flying home with another plane, is that okay?" I nodded my head and she smiled.

I took a deep breath in as we entered the venue to take our bags with us. I didn't wanna see anyone except Taya and the rest of the dance team. Without looking left and right, I bumped into a taller figure.
When I looked up I could've thrown up. Dalton.

„How are you Shay" he asked with bright smirk on his face. At this moment I really needed to control myself.

„Babe look I'm talking to you ex, we get along good that's nice isn't it?" he yelled over to Ari I guess. I let out a playful chuckle.

„I really wanna thank you for being there for Ariana" he said placing his ass hand on my shoulder. I looked at him a few times before I took a deep breath in and yanked his hand off my shoulder.

„Touch me ever again and your hand is off you ugly ass body, capíto?" I told him pushing him aside.

I walked over to Taya and the rest taking my suitcase.

„Did you really do this?"
„What?" I questioned Mao as she widened her eyes.

„You really don't deserve anything of this shit, you know what? We're gonna go with another plane. I don't wanna go with Ariana." Mao uttered and I shook my head.

„It's okay guys"
„No it's not, and I won't go with her jet, if I have to walk to Los Angeles, I will walk but I won't go with this fucking jet." Mao cut me off.

I felt someone's hand tapping my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Joan with a bright smile on her face.

„You did so great" she pulled me in for a hug. I started to cry when I wrapped my arms also around her.

„Why are you crying honey" she questioned as I sobbed on her shoulder.
„I-It's noth-"

„Hello my mother-in-law" the most disgusting voice cut us off. Joan took my hand in hers and turned around with me. I could feel her anger already even though she was the calmest person I knew.

When I turned around too, there he stood. Hand in hand with my ex. He had this ugly disgusting ass smirk on his ugly ass face.

„A-Ariana?" Joan tilted her head slowly to her daughter who held the hand of her boyfriend.

„Okay y'all better tell me what-"
„-My dear mother-in-law, don't be so confused" Dalton cut her off placing his arm around her shoulder. Without thinking twice, Joan pushed his arm off of her and took a step back still holding my hand.

„-Mom I'm happy now" she uttered and I felt my heart sting. Joan looked over to me as I gave her a small smile.

„Are you drunk? Are you on drugs ariana what the heck is this?" she questioned but Ariana just looked down.
„I can't recognize my own daughter" she added.

„Sometimes life is like tha-" Dalton spoke but she cut him off.
„You shut up, i'm talking to my daughter okay? So better go away, oh and go away forever."

„It's not my fault when she's still in love with me and not with Shay" he responded and Joan looked at me.

As much as I tried to swallow all my emotions, I was crying hardly.

„Pack Your stuff honey, we'll go with my jet" Joan said to me kissing my hand.

Taya and Tiley led me into the backstage room where my suitcase was already packed.

„You're gonna stay at mine, right?" I shook my head.
„I already told Vic that I'm staying with her, I need to help her with some shit." I responded to Mao.

„Okay but we'll visit you okay?" I nodded my head as all of them pulled me in for a hug.
„You're to good you know that?" I let out a chuckle kissing Taya on the top of her head.

We took our suitcases and went over to Joan who was yelling at Ariana. Joan shook her head a few times before she got over to us giving us a small smile.

„We ready?" she questioned and everyone nodded.

That's what we did, we went out into the cars. I was driving with Joan alone since I knew she wanted to talk about it.

„You don't have to hold back your tears you know that honey"
„I know but for what? They won't help anyways" I let out a chuckle wiping away my tears.

„I can't explain how confused I am I mean-why did she do that? You're like everything she ever wanted. What happened between you two?"

„You remember when we were in Amsterdam? I guess everything started then. She didn't came home until it was 2 am or something. And then I just asked her if everything was fine. Then it started. I can't explain myself what I did wrong Joan."

„You did nothing wrong" Joan told me placing her hand on top of mine.

„You did everything perfect with her. You were always there for her honey it's not you. It's her and I'm so mad you can't even believe me how mad I am."

We arrived the airport and got into Joans private jet taking off to Los Angeles.


Sooo:) what do u think about the chapter. What do you wanna see in the next few chaps

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