Chapter 5: It's so easy with her.

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My face was buried in Shay's neck. I slept for like two hours and woke up now. I could say that she was still sleeping because of the slight breathing.

I was so heartbroken. I could never imagine that he would cheat on me. I wrote songs about him, I did everything for him. Because of him, I and my mom didn't talk at first. She didn't like him and she was so fucking right. Why am I so dumb?

I started crying burring my head further into the girl who's arms were wrapped around me.

„Ariana?" I heard her saying as she moved a bit so she could look at me. She noticed my red puffy eyes and sighed.

„Why did he do this?"
„Am I-, do I have a fucked up character or personality?"

„Ariana you're perfect, he's a dumb motherfucker, he didn't deserve you. It's obviously. Look at you then look at him. Don't think like that. Your personality worths more than millions of diamonds. And you're so beautiful. Trust me." she uttered and the way she looked at me made me feel some kind of way.

„It's gonna be hard for you I know that, and I can't imagine your pain right now but I'll be here, I promise. Except you want me to leave, just tell me."

She placed her head on top of mine and kissed it slightly. She was so different.

She turned on Dynasty and we started to watch. While she went trough my hair I kinda forgot everything around me. Even the fact that I got cheated on, was more bearable than before.

„Try to get some sleep" she whispered and these were the last words before I fell asleep.


I shut my eyes open and stretched myself. When I sat up, I looked to my right and to my left just to notice that Shay wasn't next to me.

Just as I wanted to stand up, I saw a little post it on my beside table.

Brb -shay

I smiled at the note she left me as I took my phone. It read 3 pm. So—I slept the whole day trough and Shay probably left to get some rest of my ass.

I made my way downstairs just to find Toulouse and my other dogs cuddled up on the couch. I sat beside them and started to pet them.

I didn't even think about what happened. I just tried to get trough the pain.

Suddenly I heard the door open. Quit footsteps made their way towards me.

„Oh, You're awake" Shay uttered as she faced me.
„I thought you're a burglar" she chuckled and shook her head before handing me my house keys back.

„I borrowed them because I didn't wanna wake you, I just bought some groceries so I can cook something good if you're fine with it." I nodded and she smiled brining the bags in my kitchen.

Even though I knew her just for a few days, I already liked her a lot. I mean-she's here though.

„Sooo, what do you like to eat? I'm fine with everything"
„Maybe some-pancakes?" I responded as she sat down next to me petting Toulouse.

„Uh yes that's good. Isn't it Toulouse?" she asked him as he barked back.

„He likes you a lot, usually he doesn't like anyone expect me, my mom, Courtney and Frankie" she smiled shyly looking down.

„How are you feeling?"
„I'm good-I'm feeling better, because of-you" I replied and she blushed.

„But what about you huh? Are you okay?" I questioned causing her to face me.

„I'm good why are you asking?"
„Because you're stuck with me" I replied singing the last part a bit.

„I like it to be around my boss" she winked at me and I rolled my eyes back.

„Don't ever call me like that"
„Okay—boss" I hit her shoulder playfully before she stood up and made her way into the kitchen.

„I wanna help you" I squealed and followed her.

„Okay uh—you wanna make some cocoa?" I nodded and took two mugs.

When I filled the cocoa in the mugs, I sprayed some whipped cream on top of it and added also a few mini marshmallows.

„I finished" I yelled and she chuckled Continue to make the pancakes.

Suddenly her phone rang making me jump a bit.

„Just a sec" she took off and made the call on speaker so I could hear everything.

„Hey Shay uh-how are you?" Courtney's voice appeared as I looked at her.
„I'm fine and you court?"

„I'm good, I just wanted to ask you—would you uh-would you like to go to dinner with me? Tonight? At 7 or something?" Shay looked at me and replied fast.

„I can't tonight, but we can go tomorrow I you want to"
„Perfect, I'll pick you up then, bye Shay"
„Bye" she hung up sighing.

„She likes you a lot huh?" she gave me a confused look.
„Who? Courtney?" I nodded sounding a bit mad?

„I guess she just wants to get to know me, since I'm here with you and you're her best friend and shit"

„Come on, the pancakes are ready" she took the plates and placed them on the table.

To be honest I was a bit mad at Courtney. What the fuck did she wants from Shay? I mean-she's one of my dancers, and my friend. She's around when I don't feel good even though I don't know her that long. It's just so easy with her.

„Buon appetito"
„Grazie" I replied and took a full fork of pancakes into my mouth.

„Please cook more for me" I told her placing my hand on top of hers. Both of us stared at each other before I pulled away.

That was a kinda-weird moment. I shrugged it off and continued to talk to her.


Drama incoming:)

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