Chapter 53: Will you be here when I wake up?

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„-No-do-don't l-leave me" were the words I heard when I sat up. I looked next to me seeing Ariana crying in her sleep.

„Ariana wake up" I shook her by her shoulder trying to pull her out of this bad dream.
„-n-no don't take her away please" She stuttered moving left and right.

„-Shay please stay with m-me" she mumbled louder and louder.
„Ariana wake up" I shook her harder and that's when she jumped up.

Her breathing was heavy and she was all sweaty.

Immediately I took the water bottle next to me and gave it to her at which she gladly drank.

„Sh-Shay yo-you're here" she said her eyes widened, she immediately pulled me into a hug so tightly.

„It's okay, you just had a bad dream, everything's okay" I wrapped my arms around her torso and I immediately felt how she chilled at my touch.

„Please don't leave me, I'm so sorry I-I won't ask you anything okay? J-Just stay with m-me please" she cried on my shoulder getting the anxiety again.

„Ari look at me" I cupped her cheeks but she didn't even think about facing me again.
„Ariana please"

„I'm-s-so sorry shay I'm so so-rry"
„Tell me what happened" I said as she leant against my shoulder.

„W-When I t-talked to y-you, you got a panic attack-a-and I-t-thought y-you're dead. I'm sorry f-for cheating I'm-I'm a bitch" She somehow stuttered out.

„Calm down Ariana please" I told her cupping her cheeks again.

„I'm so fucking sorry Shay, y-you're the best girlfriend I can imagine, you're too good for me  and I was such a bitch, I'm so sorry—I can't imagine the pain you feel when you're next to me."

„I don't feel pain Ariana. I promise you, I like it to be here with you. I'm glad to talk to you again." I said with a smile.

She responded with a small smile, „please take care of your health, I-I swear I couldn't handle it to loose you."

„I don't wanna loose you! So take care of you Ariana. Promise me." She nodded and I pulled her into a hug again.

I felt like all the worries were gone. It felt so right to have her in my arms. Out of all sudden, I felt so completed like I never did before. Fuck everything, I loved this moment so much and I didn't care if my mind said ‚no', my heart said ‚yes' and that's what matters right now.

„Don't be afraid I'm not gonna let you go again Ariana" I whispered into her ear. The way her whole body chilled down when we hugged each other was so fascinating. It was like meant to be.

„I'm sorry for waking you" I let out a chuckle and kissed the top of her head.

„We'll talk to each other when we wake up okay? Let's get some sleep now." I whispered as I just laid down a bit with her in my arms, her head resting on my chest.

„Will you be here when I wake up?" she questioned as I went trough her hair.
„I will, I promise" I held my pinky out and she gladly gave in.

„Good night Ariana"
„Good Night ba-shay"


I opened my eyes slowly as I woke up.

When I looked down, I saw the most beautiful woman on this earth. She was still laying on my chest so I guess she didn't switch the positions after we fell asleep.

I stretched myself careful trying not to wake her. Her hands were wrapped around my waist and her legs also over mine.

With my fingers I went trough her hair again curling them on my finger.

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