chapter 18: I like you on top of me

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After our conversation outside, we walked hand in hand inside the cottage. Ariana pulled me by my wrist into the bedroom smashing both of our body's on the bed.

I got on top of her and saw her smirking widely.

„I like you on top of me" she mumbled under me and I let out a playful chuckle before I started to kiss her lips softly.

She placed her hand behind my neck and pushed me further down so she could deepen the kiss. Our body's were so close against each other, I could feel her bare skin which caused me to get goosebumps.

From her lips, I went down to her neck sucking on the soft flesh. A moan escaped her lips as I sucked under her earlobe.

„Oh-god" she moaned out while I her sweet spot. She grabbed my shirt and squeezed the fabric trying to hold back her moans.

When I looked at her, her eyes were already pinched and her bottom lip between her teeth.

„I want you to look at me baby" I whispered as I caressed her cheek giving her lips a passionate kiss.

This time I felt myself deepen the kiss by asking for entrance with my tongue. She slowly parted her lips as I felt our tongues fighting against each other. She tried her best to hold back her moans but she failed so I could only feel her moans filling my mouth.

Suddenly my phone rang interrupting our moment. I pulled away facing her with a small smile.

„We're not finish yet babygirl" I whispered kissing her cheek before I took my phone and accepted the call.

„Hello?" I answered almost immediately.
„H-Hey Shay, it's me Courtney, I just wanna ask you if we can meet up some day. I wanna talk with you about something."

„Uh—I didn't expect a call from you but—okay, let's say this Saturday since I've dance session on Friday. Are you okay with that?" I suggested.

„Sounds Good—I'll see you then"

I hung up and threw my phone on the bed leaning against the headboard.

„Who was that?" Ariana asked curiously as she went trough her hair.

„Oh oka-wait who?" she widened her eyes like she heard the name of an enemy.

„Courtney wants to meet up the next days to talk about something, like there's nothing wrong with it, right?" I responded and she sighed her eyes furrowed and I swear if stares could kill I'd be dead now.

„No there's no problem Shay" she uttered and moved a bit away from me crossing her arms.

I knew she was jealous. But as I am a bad bitch, I wanted to provoke her.

„Do you think I should wear some heels or sneakers?" her head quickly snapped in my direction as I let out a chuckle of victory.

„H-Heels" she responded like she tried to hide the jealously.

„Maybe I should wear a dress, I have a white one, oh or maybe we should go for a swim, I wanna put on my red bikini which I bought lately"

At some point she rolled over to me and sat on top of me pinning my hands above my head.

„Don't fucking provoke me like that" she said in an angry tone which was very hot.
„Then say that you're jealous, come on" I responded with a smirk.

She took a deep breath in trying to hold back the eager to murder Courtney.

„I'm so fucking jealous. I know she's my best friend, but she likes you okay? And I don't want anyone to take you away from me."

Her grip looses and I could say that she had tears eyes.

„Baby, you're not gonna loose me, never. I promise you." I tried to gave her, her confident back.

„I don't want anybody else, just you, no Courtney, no Njomza, you. Also I don't wanna look back to the past. For now I won't even look for the future either. Because we're living in the presence. Together."

She looked at me as a tear dripped down to my collarbone.

„I won't provoke you anymore okay? Not like that. I will talk to Courtney because I wanna say that I'm with you, and she has no chance to be with me. It's gonna be fine and if you like you can go with me. I'm not afraid of showing my relationship."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around me giving me a firm hug. She didn't let go. We were laying like that for almost 20 minutes without talking.

„Let's go get some sleep baby" I mumbled but I didn't get any response.

I shook her shoulder slightly as she mumbled something I didn't understand.

„Roll over baby it's not comfortable to sleep like that" I whispered with a chuckle and she groaned.

She rolled over and wrapped her arms around me also with her legs. I put the covers over us and clutched them to our body's.

Before I decided to close my eyes, I kissed her cheek softly and rubbed up and down.

„Good night babu"



„And one, two three four and five" I heard a unknown voice from I guess the living room. When I turned around I found an empty spot next to me.

Was everything just a dream? Me and Shay weren't together? But there are literally her clothes on the couch in the bedroom.

I got up and ran towards the living room just to find my girlfriend doing some sport while watching a matching video to it.

„Good morning babygirl" she yelled as she did some sit ups.
„Good morning and what's fucking that?" I questioned very curiously.

„What do you mean Arioni?"
„Like-everything, I just thought some chick came here" I responded and let out a playful chuckle before she kissed my lips passionate.

„I just did my fitness routine, that's all. Oh there are some pancakes in the fridge with Nutella, if you want to"

I went to the fridge and opened it seeing two pieces of pancakes.

„So you wanna keep fit huh?" I asked showing her the plate with the last two pieces.

„Uh—you know, if you don't want them I will eat them" she uttered coming over to me.
„No,No,No,No,No these are mine" I told her and pushed her away.

„I see you won't share with me?" I shook my head confidently. She started to go away but in a matter of a second she turned back and jumped on me causing me to let go of the plate.

I fell on top of her staring at her beautiful eyes.

„Oh god, the pancakes" she yelled and made a sad face expression.

We didn't move, after a minute I started to kiss her lips passionate.

„You know that I'm so happy with you?"
„I know" she responded and I chuckled.

„I'm more happy"


I hope you like it

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