Chapter 32: Can we talk?

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„Hey baby, are you ready?" I asked as I walked inside my girlfriends changing room until I noticed that she wasn't there.

The thought of probably her waiting outside for me, filled my mind so I decided to walk out. I saw our driver who was still waiting for us to get in.

„Ms. Davis?" The driver whom I name didn't know yet, spoke out.
„You're probably waiting for Ariana, right?" I nodded my head.

„She told me that you should take off already to the hotel, she took the other car to drive into the town buying some things" he explained as I laughed.

„Okay, thank you so much"

I sat in and we started to drive to the hotel we were staying in. Amsterdam was beautiful. I just didn't like the scent off weed. I took my phone out just to text my girlfriend trying to figure out what she wanted to buy.


me: hey baby
me: where r u?
me: I'm omw to the hotel

babe🤍: i just need to get smth
babe🤍: I'll be there real quick
babe🤍: take care of u baby
babe🤍: love u

me: love u too
me: and take care of u too

I arrived the hotel after a 15 minute drive. By now I was laying in the bed cuddled up in my sheets while I watched Netflix. I was also scrolling trough social media after a long time.

The time passed very fast and it was something around half past 2 in the morning when I heard the door closing. I sat up rubbing my eyes as I saw Ariana coming closer to me.

„You're home" I mumbled sleepily.

„What did you do? I've waited here" I questioned while she changed into some more comfortable clothes.
„Nothing I was just outside, chilling around and stuff. Get some sleep we'll take off soon."

„O-okay? Is everything fine with you?"
„Oh my god what should be with me shay? You're so overreacting now" she said pissed when she faced me.

„Me? Overreacting? No girl you really found the wrong person. I'm a calm one you know that." I mocked back.

What was up with her? She never acted like this.

„Am I not allowed to go out anymore or what?"
„Ariana, I never said that what's up with you?" I asked her staring deeply into her eyes. They were darker than usual.

„Why don't you give me space?" she yelled.
„What the fuck? I just asked if everything was fine. You're so dumb."

„You're like locking me into some room where I can't go out without you calling me, texting me."
„You want space hm?" I asked very mad.

„Okay, here you are, good night Ariana" I said as I took my things and went into the other room where Taya was in.

I knocked on the door a few times as she opened it and let me in.

„Are you okay?" she questioned concerned.
„Ari is acting like an idiot, can I sleep here?" She nodded immediately.

She didn't ask anything further, I laid down and closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


„Shay wake up"
„Come on we need to go to the airport" Taya's soft voice woke me up from sleep.

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