Chapter 31: It's really important.

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^ look at them I swear to god they're so cute


-3 months later-

Right now we were in Paris finishing the show. I said bye to my fans, my manager and everyone else as I went into the car with my girlfriend. It was a big coincidence that we were in Paris just when our 6 month anniversary was.

Shay and I drove to the hotel and changed into some more elegant clothes. She was wearing a tight black dress where I could see every curve of her perfect body. I was in love with every single cell of her body, she was just so perfect. She cared so much about me and showed me the love every time. I never felt unloved. She treated me so right even though I was the one who was wrong.

Shay prepared a picnic for us just in front of the Eifel  Tower. She just told me about it when we were on stage. Also tour was about to end very soon. It didn't feel like three months. I felt like I was on tour for maybe 2 weeks or something.

When we arrived, we walked to the place and there was already a planter placed on the ground. We sat down and took out the food, also the wine out of the box.

She poured it into the glasses as we clinked them. Both of us took a sip of them moaning at the taste of them.

„I'm so happy to be here with you, after six months" she told me holding my hand.
„I'm the happy one"

I smiled at her as she pecked my lips passionate. These kisses were one of my favorites. Tonight was different and I felt it.

„I'm so proud of you, you know that? You're doing so good with tour and they you take time for your fans and everyone else, it's so cute." she said and I smiled to myself.

„You know, imagine that we didn't met one day, or imagine if you weren't that good and we didn't pick you, we weren't here"

„Yeah it's so crazy. I told you when we already met that I don't do relationships because I just-I'm afraid of loosing someone I love so hard. But with you it was different, I didn't think twice I just knew that you are the one Ariana" she told me placing her hand on my cheek.

„And I'm so glad that you're mine, I'm so happy about it I can't even explain" I felt the tears in my eyes but tried to hold them back.

„I got you something because you're my favorite human on this whole earth and you need to be treated like a queen." she handed me a little box and my eyes widened.

My first thought was a engagement ring but I guess that's not it. I also think that she isn't ready yet. I would say that I am because I really love her. Anyways, I'll wait for her. Always.

When I opened the little box, there was a necklace. It had a heart pendant with out initials S&A.

„I love you so much and I want you to wear it ever time even if I'm not by your side" she smiled to me before she placed her soft lips on mine.

I felt every type of feeling. Without any doubt, I wasn't that happy for I don't know when. She made me feel so completed.

„I love you" I mumbled into her ear as she smiled.

I also took a little box out and gave it to her.

„You were talking about it for so long" I said as she opened the box and found a Pandora bracelet with a lot of trinkets on it. There was an earth trinket, a heart trinket and a special customized one with our
date when she asked me to be her girlfriend which was the 11th of June.

„You're so cute, thank you so much baby"

She placed her hand on my cheek again and rubbed in up and down.

That's what we did the whole evening. We were talking about everything. We laughed a lot, cried a bit because of our happiness, everything was perfect and I couldn't be happier.


It was the next day and we were in Amsterdam. My show started at 5 pm and it was something about 9 am. The whole dance team was already practicing while I did the soundcheck. I was really hyped about today because I loved Amsterdam.

„Okay Ari, the soundcheck was good, you're having free time now. I'll see you later" scooter told me as I walked to the other half of the venue where my baby was.

She just finished too and got out giving me a simple kiss on the lips.

„Hey baby, you finished?" I nodded my head in response as she interlocked our fingers.

„Let's go to the backstage, I wanna cuddle" I told her as we ran towards the couch. Both of us smashed our body's on the couch and we started to cuddle. I loved the warmth I felt when our body grind against each other.


The show finished and everything was fine. It was something about 10 pm and I received a call from an unknown number.

„Hello?" I answered my phone as I put on my jacket so I could walk out the venue to the car.
„Can we please talk? I need an advice"

„H-Why do you have my number" I asked surprised.
„It's really important please Ariana"

„When and where?" I sighed knowing how dumb I was to gave in.
„I'll send you the location, in which hotel are you in Amsterdam?" he asked.

„*imagine some random hotel*"
„Okay, I'll see you"

I hung up wondering what it could be. What could be so important so he called me?


This chapter is so bad but I needed this for the next ones. I promise the other ones will be better. Look forward for some big ass drama :)

A few questions:

1. whatcha all think who's calling?

2. will The unknown have a bad influence on Shay's and Ari's relationship ?

3. what will happen in the next chapter?

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