Chapter 77: Auntie.

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„Hey guys" I greeted Jaden and Victoria after opening the door.

„Hey my love, how are you doing?" Vic asked pulling me in a hug.
„I'm fine and you?"

I repeated the whole thing with my brother too, before leading them into the living room to Ariana.

„Would you guys like a coffee? Or a glass wine? Oh Vic I bought this new one it's awesome."
„No baby we don't want anything—actually we wanted to tell you something." Victoria uttered making me worried.

Did something happen? Is she sick? Or Jaden?

„We wanted to wait a few days but—we thought that this was the best to tell you guys first." Jaden uttered then as I looked at him.

„Uhm-uhm okay well—tell us we're listening" I mumbled and Jaden chuckled.

They took a little box out of Vic's purse handing it to me. Since I was sitting right next to Ari, she immediately sat up and looked with me.

Slowly, I opened the box and a pacifier was inside. First I scrunched my eyes but then I faced Ari when I realized what this meant.

„You guys not messing with us right?" I questioned as tears stormed out of my eyes.

„No we're not! You becoming an aunt." Victoria yelled as I started crying.

I embraced her tightly.

„Oh my god congrats baby" I cried out. Afterwards I did the same to my brother.

„How-I mean-d-did you plan having a baby now?" I asked as we all sat down again.

„We did have the talk about becoming parents but you know-we thought we'll have a baby after marriage—it just happened." Victoria said and smiled.

„I just didn't get my period and then I decided to take a test a week ago and it came back positive obviously." she continued.

„God, I'm so happy for you guys. I'm so looking forward to see this little baby walking around and shit.

„You'll have to wait a bit then" Jaden chuckled out.
„Yeah I'm actually in the fifth week"

My brother and Victoria just left five minutes ago and I was relaxing in the living room watching SpongeBob. It never gets old.

„You really did great decorating the house" I told her and she smiled.

„Thanks, but Courtney helped me. First I didn't want to decorate but then she came to my place and was like c'mon bitch get the fuck up."

„Christmas Eve is literally tomorrow and I don't have a single damn ass present" she said loudly and I chuckled.

„I feel you—that's why I wanted to tell you that I won't be here tomorrow. I need to go shopping and buy stuff for my friends and family."

„Oh alright—yeah I mean I won't be home either since I need to get something too. Also I need to prepare food and drinks and all since my family will be here and some friends."  I nodded taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

Silence filled the room as I continued to watch SpongeBob. But I felt Ariana constantly staring at me. It was just too obvious.

„Shay?" I hummed facing her.
„I wondered if you could come back too. To celebrate with us-I invited your family here anyways. Or to be more exactly mom did."

My family, expect Jaden, doesn't even know about Ariana and I's breakup. I mean I told them that it's very complicated but that's it. Maybe they heard it anyways.

„You know that my family doesn't know about all that. I mean our breaking up and all. Because I didn't tell em'"

„It doesn't matter if they don't know or know—let's spend Christmas Eve together and eat and all. And then we'll sleep here and open the presents alright? Come on please."

I sighed. „Alright. But on Christmas Day I won't stay long. I need to be somewhere."

„I'm alright with it. Just be here alright?" I nodded as she came closer to me.

She crawled under the blanket and cuddled up next to me.

„Are we going to tell them about our breakup?" she questioned.

„I don't know. Maybe at least not now. I hope your mama didn't tell them and they just don't wanna tell to me about it."

„She didn't. I asked her and she didn't say a single word." Ariana uttered.

„I will tell them when I'm at home and when everyone's there because there's a lot of stuff to discuss."

Ariana nodded. Her head was resting on my stomach. We used to lay like this when we first started dating. My heartbeat got faster and faster and I really had the feeling to kiss her. I just knew I didn't have the right so I continued to relax.

„Is your head still hurting?" I questioned her and she shook it.
„I'm fine, what about you?"
„Same, maybe we should go to sleep, I'm really tired" I suggested and Ariana quickly opened her eyes facing me.

„Can we spend the night here? Together?"

Why is it always so complicated. Why. Fuck.

„Alright" I answered and turned on some beautiful music to fall asleep.

As I laid down, I immediately felt her scent filling my nostrils. It gave me a shiver just even thinking about kissing her skin again.

Please Shay don't let yourself down. She cheated. She lied.

I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes while her head rested on my stomach.


It's just a fill chapter. The real thing is going to start in the next chapz. Hope you're hyped. Happy new year to all of you guys. I wish you the best on this earth!!! Also this is not proofreader and I know that there are many mistakes!!!!!

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