Chapter 75: What a genius.

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I dragged Kehlani upstairs with me, as soon as we got into her bedroom, she pushed me against the door and started to kiss me.

I was not drunk but still enjoyed her touch, the feeling of our lips melting together. Was something, like, wrong with me?

I took her by her hand and pushed her on the bed. Revealing myself from the tshirt I was wearing, I climbed on top of her. Her eyes scanned my upper body which was only covered with a bra.

„God, how can you be so sexy" she mumbled biting her lip.

I loved the way she complimented me. That gave me the feeling of being truly beautiful. I had the feeling that she appreciated my body more than I ever could.

„You are" I said back and kissed her passionate.

I tugged on her shirt and soon after I threw it somewhere back. The tattoos she had made me go crazy for her. She had one of the most beautiful body's on earth. It was so feminine, so beautiful.

„This—you, makes me go crazy" I said pointing between her body and her face. She just let out a chuckle.


When I woke up the next day, Kehlani was already awake laying next to me and going trough my messy hair. A smile cracked as I wandered back to the previous night.


„Oh-my god" I moaned as her tongue explored my clit. I pushed her hand further and further into me. This woman's work was worth tons of diamonds.

„Baby-I'm go-"
„-Not yet Babe" she cut me off as she came up to myself and gave me a taste of myself.

Suddenly I felt her fingers entering me. My eyes immediately opened and a loud moan escaped my mouth.

„F-Fuck yes" I moaned as her other hand tightened around my neck. Her lips were hovering over mine as she bit my bottom lip several times.

-Flashback over-

„Good Morning baby" I uttered at first. She smiled at me and gave me a soft kiss and responded with „good morning beautiful."

„How did you sleep?" I asked her placing my hand on her cheek.

„Couldn't be better, what about you?"
„Just like you. What time is it?"

„It's 8 am" she replied and I gulped.
„Since when do I wake up this early. Wait-since when do you wake up this early?"

„Well my mom came around at 7 because she wanted to pick up Adeya"
„Why? She's not gonna stay with us?" I questioned in response.

„Well-to be exactly I wanted to ask you something—that's why my mom picked her up. And she's gonna stay at my moms and at her dad's house for a few days."

„What's about it baby" I asked her smiling trough my teeth.

„Look I wanted to take you somewhere. I mean we won't spend Christmas there I promise-but it's just three days. I wanna take you on a vacation. To London. And please don't say no because I won't accept this answer alright baby girl." I let out a laugh as I faced her.

I pecked her lips quickly before facing her again.

„But why baby"
„Because I think that you deserved this. All of this—a good time of course. I mean if you don't want me to come with you—then go alone but just go because you'll really relax a lot." she said and I smiled.

„You're something else Lani"

„Is that a yes?" she questioned happily.
„It is a yes! But you goin' with me. I want you by my side." I answered her before earning plenty of kisses on my lips.

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