Chapter 50: Catania.

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We arrived Catania just a few hours ago. By now we were at the apartment laying in the beds since it was 3 am. The time in Europe is just so different and like, everything about it is different.

Courtney was already sleeping beside my soft snores leaving her mouth. But I couldn't sleep. I was laying on the mattress with my eyes wide opened.

Truly I was very tired and shit but I just couldn't fall asleep, I was sad because of how everything happened. I just wanted to feel her by my side.

I sat up and took my phone in my hand opening Instagram and scrolling trough it.

Suddenly I received a text message leaving my mouth wide open.


dalton: hey ari can we talk?
dalton: I know I did shit and everything and I was the worst boyfriend ever but I swear I'll do better just let's talk

me: I told u that it's over
pls don't contact me anymore

dalton: ariana you know exactly that u love me
dalton: please I'll do better I promise

me: leave me in piece
me: everything of THIS happened bc of u
me: bc I was blind
me: bc u manipulated me

dalton: I didn't force u to go with me or to be in a relationship w me

me: yeah you're right
me: u didn't
me: but I'd never do the mistake again
me: I love Shay

dalton: you'll never get back with her
dalton: Ariana u cheated on her she won't take u back
dalton: and even if she takes u back some day it won't last long
dalton: she can't trust u anymore I know that

me: so? Why's that your problem

dalton: come back to me i'll be better

me: dalton I'll block your number

dalton: so it's over with u and me forever?

me: please let me in piece

dalton: so no?

me: dalton it's fucking over leave me
in piece forever
me: don't text me just live your life and Go
me: bye


I sighed before I smashed my phone next to me.


I groaned taking my phone making myself ready to slap his ass. How could he text me again even though I blocked him?

But when I turned on my phone, I saw a notification from instagram.

My fake account received a notification from Shay's new post on Instagram. I immediately tapped on the post as my eyes widened.




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