Chapter 13: I really like you a lot.

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We went out and sat in my car as I saw Ariana running over. She knocked a few times on the car window and gestured me to come out. That's what I did.

„Can we talk" she questioned and I let out a chuckle.
„I don't know what to talk about Ariana" I said crossing my arms.

„Please Shay, just hear me out" she uttered and I chuckled.
„I'm not in the mood, I don't have any time, and I'm not interested Ariana"

„Shay please don't hurt me"
„What the fuck? I'm hurting you? You must be kidding" I was by now really smiling. It was just hilarious and sat at the same time.

„And now excuse me, I'm having a date with Njomza" I told her with a sarcastically smile.

I turned around and sat in the car again leaving Ariana all alone. I placed my hand on Njomza's thigh and started the engine. The look on Arianas face was so angry and I just smiled. Yes I was very angry at her, very disappointed. She made me feel loved, special, everything. We shared kisses, cuddled, talked about everything. And then I saw her ex boyfriend kissing her. What should I think now? I couldn't say that she cheated-but she did somehow.

„What are you thinking about?" Njomza asked me and I shook my head.
„It's nothing important"

She placed her hand on my thigh rubbing up and down. As I faced her she was already biting her bottom lip. I smiled and placed her hand on on my neck leading her down to my cleavage.

„I think we should skip our ‚date'" I whispered into her ear as I slowly leant in and felt her kiss on mine.

Her lips were soft, I liked the taste but not comparing to Ariana. I placed my hand behind her neck and deepened the kiss. The kiss was long, passionate, full with lust.

„I-think we should really skip the date and go to the important part" she said when we pulled away. I nodded and drove faster than I should to my place. I wanted it. Regardless. I wanna hurt Ariana just as bad as she hurt me.

When I parked my car in my garage and without hesitate I opened my car door Njomza did the same and we walked in my house.

I didn't let her finish any sentence because as soon as we got in, I smashed her against the door and started to kiss her passionate. She lout out moans I didn't even know she held back.

I tapped her thigh causing her to jump and wrap her legs around me. I held her by her thighs and we staggered upstairs. When we finally reached the bed, I smashed her on it and got on top of her. From her lips I traveled down to her neck, then to her cleavage. I looked up for permission and she nodded as I took of her shirt leaving her in her sexy laced bra.

„Like the view?" she questioned biting her bottom lip as our eyes met.
„So much"

I left purple marks on her stomach, on her ribs, of course on her neck. Slowly I pulled her bra stripes to the sides.

„Just take this shit off of me" she whispered as I did.


„This was hot" Njomza said as she laid her head on my chest.
„It was definitely"

„You totally know how to work with that tongue" she said as she went trough my hair. I smiled at her and pecked her lips softly.

„I really like you a lot" I looked at her and smiled.
„I like you too"

„What are we doing now?" She looked confused as she asked me. I shrugged my shoulder and played with her hair.

„I think we should give us a chance" I replied and pecked her lips softly.
„But we barely know each other" she responded and I let out a chuckle.

„I know-" I said but soon cut myself off by turning us around so I was on top of her.
„-but we can change that very fast" I finished my sentence after I gave her a long passionate kiss.


The next morning, Njomza and I woke up at 3 pl because we were sleeping like baby's. It felt good to wake up next to her, but still nothing compared with-her. It didn't matter. I will move on, I wanted to forget her. It wasn't like I didn't like her, but I just wasn't more than a dancer, and to be honest it was better like that.

Today we were invited to her home to meet her mom, her grandma and some friends. Like she texted us in the group we could ‚bring' some friends with us. That's exactly what I'm doing today. But I won't bring just a friend, Njomza was gonna be with me, and she's not a friend, at least for me. I really liked her.

Also Njomza and I decided to give us a shot, to get to know each other good. We wanted to be sure that we really liked each other, there shouldn't be just the lust. I wanted desire, friendship, everything in one. And even though I saw these things in Ariana, Njomza changed my mind.

I told her about what happened, I know it hurt her, but she was there for me, cared about me, showed me that I had to forget about her.

Although Ariana was her friend, she said that she wasn't okay with that. She didn't like Dalton, nobody does from her friends, not even her family. That's what she said and I think she didn't lie.

„Are you ready?" she yelled from downstairs as I heard the keys jingling in her hands.

„Just a sec, just the heels" I yelled back and she started to laugh.

I ran downstairs and put on my heels looking at her noticing the wide smirk on her face.

„And what's funny now hm?"
„Nothing, you're so loud and it's just so funny" She replied and twirled my curls around her fingers.

„I can be much louder and you know that, don't play with me babe" I respond and she let out a chuckle kissing my cheek.

We sat into my car and buckled our seatbelts. I started the engine and we drove off to Arianas place.


I didn't proofread:) also Merry Christmas even though it's a bit late :) hope you enjoy the chap


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