Chapter 35: I don't have anything to say.

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I was waiting at the airport. Jaden was waiting in the car since we couldn't find a parking lot. I did hear what happened on tour about the whole break up, but I didn't know the details.

I took my phone out and just as I wanted to text her, I heard her voice. I saw her running towards me finally wrapping her arms around me tightly.

„I missed you" she mumbled in my ear not letting go.
„Oh, baby I missed you too, c'mon, Jaden's waiting in the car" I told her kissing her cheek.

She nodded and I led her to the car where both of us got in. When she faced her brother, she immediately started to cry running into his arms. He tried to calm her down, to comfort her as much as he could but she only sobbed into his shirt. She was very heartbroken. I was also so mad at Ariana. I swear, I couldn't recognize her face because she became someone different. She was so heartless even though I didn't saw her for the whole months of tour.

We texted each other often, argued about Courtney, Dalton, everything. Then she suddenly became this person. Out of no where.

All of us sat into the car and we drove to Jadens apartment. Since he didn't want to go back to New York, he rented a big apartment. Him and I were also a ‚thing' but that's not important now.

I was worried about Shay. How could Ariana do that? Shay was always there for her. Tried to help her, comfort her, showed her so much love, and this bitch just decided to cheat on her?

Cheating like this didn't happen by mistake, it's a decision for life. She wanted it. She took off her clothes in front of him constantly knowing that another girl is waiting for her. But she didn't care. That's the point of cheating. One time cheater, every time cheater.

When we arrived Jaden's apartment, we sat down in the dining room, and had some pasta. Just at the sight of Shay, made my heart sting.

„Look, you don't have to tell us the details, but you can if you want to, okay?" Jaden told her and she nodded.

„Just-why do you think she did this?" I asked immediately hoping to get a answer that will make sense.

„I-I don't know. Maybe she really loves him. Maybe she used me to forget him."

„But why didn't she stay with him when you guys weren't together. You remember what she did. She was again with him and then broke up?" I responded and Shay sighed.

„I don't fucking know it's so complicated but for real, I don't care anymore. Yeah I got cheated on, yeah I got played. Fuck it. Life goes on. I'll find a girl who loves me and appreciate me."

„Look-don't rush anything Shay, try to forget her first, okay?" Jaden uttered placing his hand on her back.

„I will, thank you guys" both of us smiled at her pulling her in for a hug.

„I know maybe that's not the right moment and I know it's totally not, but we wanna tell you something." Jaden spoke up again. We shared looks and sighed after we decided to tell her.

„Vic and I somehow-you know we share the same interests, we-the point is That we thought we should try it out. Because we really like each other, a lot. And we're-you know-a couple for a few weeks."

Her eyes widened. A playful smirk made it's was on her lips as soon as she faced me.

„I knew it. I'm so happy for you guys." Jaden and I were again pulled in a hug by her.


„Explain" my mother exclaimed as we sat on the table. Frankie was also there sitting next to me giving me looks I never wanted to see.

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