Chapter 42: Let's meet up.

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Two days passed since Ariana and I talked for the last time. Until now, I was partying every night with Stassie and my other friends. It was all cool and shit but like, I never drank so much in a whole week. I felt like shit to be honest.

Also Ariana kinda stopped to text me. Wrong. I was just too drunk to pick up or reply to her texts. Shame on me, I felt like a whole other person. I mean I liked to party but not that much. I wanted also time for myself, take a bath, watch Netflix, sleep the whole day.

„Bitch you going with us tonight?" Emely asked me while I relaxed on my phone.
„I think I'll stay at home tonight" I responded and from the other room I heard a loud laugh. Suddnelny my door opened and Gigi was standing in my room arms crossed.

„You won't stay at home hoemie, we're going to this ass club bitch" she uttered as I let out a chuckle.
„I'm not going guys like I've been drinking too much for this week I don't feel fit okay?" I told them and they just sighed.

„Now you got boring sis" I shrugged continue to type something on my phone.

After some time, I heard Stassie coming out of my bathroom.

„Babe why you still laying in bed?" She questioned as soon as she faced me.
„I don't wanna go S', I'm tired of being drunk every day. I can't do this anymore like just lemme in peace I wanna sleep."

„Bitch don't get bored already" she expressed with a sigh and I rolled my eyes back at her action.

„We just want you to be good again Shay, not thinking about this cheater bit-"
„-hey maybe she's a cheater but don't call her bitch okay?" I cut her off as I realized what she just said about Ariana.

„Girl you literally called her bitch so why can't I sa-"
„-just don't. Also none of you have to do this for me don't get me wrong I'm very thankful and everything like for real, but you can also go without me, chill without me, I don't give a fuck bout that S' because I'm gonna watch Netflix so yeah." I said with a smile.

„Shay I just don't want you to get hurt again and I know when I'm not here she'll come over and be here with you. You'll forgive her and that's not good for you."

„But don't you think that's my decision?" I questioned with a strict look.
„It totally is but like—Girl You're one of my best friends how could I not care about you?"

„I didn't say that but like that's my thing you know? Maybe I'll forgive her, or maybe I won't but nobody of you can-"

„-for fucks sake Shay I didn't say that I just didn't want you to be alone at home that's all. I didn't want you to break down when you're here in LA."

„I think the best idea would be that you go back to New York with me" she added and I didn't know what to say.

„Why should I move to New York?"
„Girl you was there literally a few days ago" she replied with a bit of an attitude.

„So what? I'm here now. I'm having my house, my friends, my family, my everything. Why should I leave it?"

„You just don't wanna move away because of her"
„Stassie chill down what the fuck" Gianna came in cutting off our conversation.

„Gigi that's not a fight just, I don't get it why you can't let me in piece for maybe 5 minutes. Get that I don't wanna drink, I don't wanna go out every day because that's not me okay? Can't take it? Too bad. That's my fucking personality and I don't wanna come home like a fucking alcohol addict." I explained.

„Don't think that I'm unthankful for what you all did! Just lemme think about what I'll do with my whole life I can't just be drinking my whole life."

Stassie left the room, Gianna following her as I ended my little ‚speech'.

Like what the fuck. Just because I was cheated on didn't mean that I had to drink and party every day. I'd much rather cry my heart out just to let everything out. Fucking shit.

Stassie and I didn't talk while she was making herself ready. I mean I loved her she was there for me and so on, also she's one of my best friends but can't she just understand that I wanna cry the shit out of me? Alone? Like I just wanna let out every emotion I have in my body to be better to start again. To start to live the life I had before everything happened.

„We'll stay in a hotel tonight, I'll see you tomorrow" Gigi uttered as she kissed the top of my head.

„Please don't be mad at me guys, I just need-time for myself" I replied and she shook her head with a smile.

„But you'll join us soon right?" I nodded as a response before she went out and closed my front door.

When I was completely alone after the girls left, I decided to make myself some porridge. Afterwards I just sat down on the couch and started to watch Dynasty for the 100th time I guess.

Hours passed as I woke up. When I look at my phone, it was something about 2 am. And again I searched for some good shows on Netflix but my phone interrupted me.


ariana: hey shay, I know you're probably gonna read this tomorrow bc you're out but I wanna tell u smth
ariana: I don't want this silence between us bc we went trough so much, as friends, as a couple, as family and everything. I know it's hard for u and I know that me apologizing is not enough but I'm trying to show you my feelings. Because they're not gone and they never will be gone. I'm hating myself for being dumb and a cheater and ofc the biggest bitch on earth, I can't live with the thought that you're sad bc of me. I love you so much you have such a great heart and I wanna make it up to you. Maybe you won't accept me as your girlfriend anymore, but let me start as a good friend.
ariana: I hope we can meet up sometime

me: you know what? Let's meet up now

ariana: how? I don't want Stassie and the rest to be around us

me: i stayed at home

ariana: r u sick?
ariana: u okay?

me: no I'm not sick just wanted some
time for myself

ariana: oh okay I hope you enjoyed

me: not really but that doesn't matter now
me: u have time to meet up now?

ariana: for u always

me: okay I'll come pick you up

ariana: I'm waiting for u

me: see you

That's exactly what I did. I put on a oversized hoodie, some grey sweats, my jordans, a dior bag. Afterwards I took my keys and went straight to my car driving to hers.


I hope you like the story So far:) sorry that I don't update that much but I've to go to school now and it's a real pain in the ass. Anyways I'm trying to give u some good chapters.


1.what do you think about Stassie?
2. do you think ariana will ever cheat again even though they're not together?
3. do you think ariana will wait until Shay is ready for being in a relationship?

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