Chapter 70: It's either me or her.

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When I woke up it was about 7 pm and I already took a shower and got some food. Boredom got over me since my fiancée still didn't come back home.

I was so happy that we got some time for ourself. Basically I was the one who hadn't time for her. I was always in the studio and sometimes Dalton was with me.

God the ‚Dalton' topic gets me every time. I know I can't hide it forever but Dalton and I are really just good friends. At least for me he's just a good friend. I don't care if he wants more or anything. I love Shay more than anything on this world and I can't risk loosing her again.


me: hey dalton

dalton: hey beautiful, what's up

me: nothing wbu

dalton: same shit as always, just had a meeting with a customer for the house, you know which I mean? I've recently talked about it with u

me: yeah I remember
me: I just wanted to talk to u about the action with the roses and so on
me: you know my whole damn family
saw you

dalton: I know I'm sorry

me: that's not the point at all
me: shay was at home what if she saw this
me: what would she think?

dalton: you still didn't tell her that we're friends?
dalton: well I just thought I could bring you something over for helping me with those papers

me: thanks but I don't think
that's necessary
me: I don't know if that's necessary at all

dalton: what do you mean?

me: I mean I'm going behind her back
me: I promised her I won't talk to u or shit

dalton: well maybe there's something you didn't processed about our break up

me: you cheated on me
me: you tried to hit me
don't you remember?????

dalton: I was a jerk and I already apologized so many times and I don't know what to do anymore
dalton: I'm really ashamed of my actions
dalton: I'm sorry ariana I swear

me: I really don't know what to do
me: maybe it's for the best if
we stop contacting each other

dalton: Ariana look be honest at least once! Not to me but to yourself and to Shay
dalton: I phoned you because you know I didn't get over you because I really love you
dalton: I'm really tryin to stay as far away from you and it really hurts seeing you with her
dalton: but be honest, when I phoned you that day, you could've said no but you said yes
dalton: maybe you still have feelings for me and you just don't wanna admit it

me: Dalton I don't know okay I love her more than anyone on
this earth I swear to god
me: I don't wanna mess up things with her because she's really the one I want and
the one my heart wants!
me: and even if there are
feelings for you somewhere deep inside, my love for her overshadows everything

dalton: think about it ariana
dalton: and if you really think about it well, then choose when there's someone to choose
dalton: either me or her
dalton: and if you're choosing her then I swear to everything I have, I'll leave and leave you in piece and I'll live my life without u?

me: but I thought we wanna stay friends

dalton: why do you want me as a friend then????
dalton: so you do love me or what?????

me: no
me: just
me: everything's messing up my head rn

dalton: I'm sorry, but text me whenever you have to say something
dalton: and if I'd be you, I'd tell her
dalton: as much as I don't like her
dalton: she's a good one and she deserves happiness
dalton: so please

Just in that second my phone started to ring. 

„Hey babes, what are you doing?" Shay questioned pulling me back to reality.
„Uh nothing, just chilling waiting for you" I responded leaning against the couch.

„I'm coming home in a few, I'm making a stop at Starbucks, do you want something?" I smiled at her question making my heart melt.
„Just as always, a coffee and a blueberry muffin"

„Got it, see you in 10"
„Alright, love you bye"
„Love you too bye babes" I said and hung up.

She's really making these things to me. How can I be so dumb? Why didn't I tell Dalton that I just want her? Was there something more that I felt for him. How should I tell Shay after everything?

Headache. Whenever I overthink stuff, I get this damn headache over and over again although I'm sure about the damn answer.


„Ariana, I'm back" I heard her voice from downstairs. Immediately I sprinted down embracing her in a tight hug.

„Wow, you missed me that much?" she asked and I chuckled.
„No I just missed the food" I love whispered yanking the Starbucks bag out of her hand.

„Aha so it's like That Ms. Grande?" she sprinted behind me as I ran towards the kitchen.

Just as I wanted to open the bag, she stood behind me and managed to place my body on the top of the kitchen island.

She got between my legs placing her hand on my waist as I ran my trough her hair so I could rest my hands behind her neck. Our lips almost immediately melted within seconds. We moved in sync while I already felt trillions of butterflies rushing trough my body.

„Why do I love you so much?" she mumbled more to herself then to me.

„I could ask the same question" I replied, pecking her lips over and over again.

I don't even know why but somehow I started to cry after everything we've went trough, after everything I've did to her. After texting with Dalton.

How could I love someone more than her? That's impossible.

„Baby why are you crying?" she questioned cupping my cheeks. I couldn't even look at her. I was betraying her, again.

As much as I wanted to tell her everything. I couldn't even get words out of my mouth.

„Don't cry what happened?" she questioned while I tried to calm down.

„B-Ba-Baby-I-" I started but I was cutten off by the door bell.


Well, here you go. I hope you liked this chapter, I really thought that this was gonna be a whole different chapter but I actually really like what I wrote here.

Comment bellow whatcha wanna see, what you're up to :)


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