Chapter 24: She does use him.

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The day ended and everyone got home. Shay and I were in the living room on the phone. I needed to drive home since I've to go to the studio tomorrow.

I already asked her to come with me but she wanted to visit her family to talk to her brother.

„I will miss you baby" I mumbled as I sat on top of her.
„We're gonna see each other tomorrow babe" she let out a chuckle and placed her hands on my hips.

I immediately remembered last night. I didn't know why I had these ‚flashbacks'. My mind constantly fell back what happened last night. The way she held me, the way her lips feel against my whole body. There wasn't an inch were I hadn't a purple mark. I knew I was hers and she was mine.

This was the first time sex, where I got to experience all the things I love. It was sex with so much passion. She made me feel comfortable in my skin. Although I was so unsure about my whole body. She showed me that she loved every inch. And that's what was different about the girl.

„Are you okay baby?" she questioned pulling me out of my thoughts.
„Yeah it's just-I got this flashback the whole day"

„From what?"
„From last night, look I never enjoyed it so much Shay. I never enjoyed myself so much and I never felt like that. I don't wanna compare you to my other relationships, because you're nothing to compare with, but I really never felt like this." I told her and she smiled happily.

„I love you so much"
„I love you so much too, and I even love you more" I responded placing my lips on hers.

„Don't fight with me, you know that I love you more"
„Never" I immediately defended.

„Let me win today, you can win tomorrow. But I'll always love you more." she uttered and I shook my head. She reconnected our lips rubbing my waist up and down.

One hour passed and I just said bye to my girlfriend. Roshad picked me up and drove me home. I hate being without her, it was so silent and I missed her scent, her warmth.

When I got home, I took a long shower, afterwards I put on her hoodie which I stole from her adding short shorts in which I slept.

I also felt ready for telling my fans about my relationship. They were already suspecting that I was in a relationship but I didn't utter myself. Also I need to come out.

I wasn't scared or shit because I know my real fans will support me despite everything. I also knew how I wanted to tell them about me and Shay.

Since I will release my new song they will know that it's about her. I wrote every line with the bottom of my heart.

I will post a picture of us just when the song will come out. That's my plan but I first wanted to talk to her about that because maybe she didn't feel ready yet. Which I also totally understand.

I took my phone and went trough Instagram.

Hot. Fuck me. Please.



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