Chapter 15: I'm gonna be happy.

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„Hey where have you been cutie" Dalton took my hand in his as I left the bathroom where I was with Shay a few minutes ago.

„I need to be alone right now" I told him and yanked my hand out of his leaving him alone.

I ran upstairs into my room smashing my body on my bed. It hurt me so much that she slept with Njomza, that she even kissed njomza and that she could feel her. Did she love her?

I didn't know, I just knew that it hurt me so much. But what should I expect? I kissed Dalton in front of her although her and I kissed too. I couldn't call it cheating, but it's somehow like that. I did do something what I shouldn't have done.

The point is, I did that because I couldn't confirm myself as bi. I didn't know I could like a girl like that. I wanted to make sure that I really like her, and I know that. But I didn't know that I would hurt her so much.

There was so much going on right now, Shay and I were pissed at each other, or to be exactly, she was pissed at me, Courtney and I made up to each other, I told her about my feelings towards Shay and she said that she just wanted sex with Shay because she's hot. What a bitch. Courtney promised me she's gonna tell her and they will stay friends.

But what about Njomza? She liked Shay, I know that I saw how she looked at her. But now I knew what I wanted. I wanted Shay. She was the one.

Suddenly someone knocked and I jumped up fixing my smeared my mascara.

„Just a sec" I said but the person just opened the door. What a dumbass.

„Ariana honey what are you doing here" Nonna appeared in front of me.
„Nonna-I-I told you-what I was naked?"

„So what? I saw you naked a few years ago, don't act like that" she uttered with a smile.

„Are you okay honey, why is your make up all like that"
„It's nothing Nonna" I responded and took a make up remover.

„You cried honey, why what happened?" she asked and pulled me to her causing me to sit on the bed.
„Aren't you happy with the dinner?"

„-No-I am it's just-I don't know how to tell you—I don't know how to tell you all but I'm sure about it" I uttered goosebumps appearing on my skin.

„You can tell me everything you know that"
„Yes Nonna I know but that's somehow different" I replied and put my hands over my face.

„Come on, I won't tell mom, are you pregnant?"
„I'm not pregnant Nonna! I don't like Dalton like that! To be exact I hate him he cheated on me he's a cheater!" I yelled and now Nonna noticed how serious I was.

„I hate him so much and I know that it's my fault"

„Ariana? What the fuck?" Dalton appeared in my room and Nonna groaned.

She didn't like him, I mean nobody did, not my Momma really no one.

„Get out dicknose" Nonna said looking angry at him.

He looked at me before he left the room leaving me and my Nonna alone.

„I need to go Nonna okay?" I said and she nodded kissing my head.

I took an oversized hoodie which happened to he Shay's, afterwards I ran out and sat in my car. I didn't care about anyone except her. Just her. She helped me trough so much and motivated me. She was the reason why I'm better now.

I started to drive and parked in front a Starbucks. I took my phone just to distract myself from thinking about her but the first thing which caught me, were the pics she posted on Instagram.

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