Chapter 84: I don't got a phone.

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"Come on Shay, we don't got all day" Amari yelled from the kitchen I think. I was still making myself ready in the bathroom since my hair was playing with me a lot. It was all puffy and it didn't let it comb that well so I was on my fifteenth mental breakdown by now.

Amari? I met her the first day I got to Jamaica. We actually met at the airport because we lived in the same street so we headed there with the same cab. We don't even know each other that well yet but we talked about so many shit. The main about is that we got to Jamaica because of the same reason basically.

She left her boyfriend after one year. Their relationship was very toxic and abusive and she just couldn't do it anymore so she left him and left to Jamaica three months after. I did tell her about some shit which I go trough but I didn't go into deep details since it's really private.

"Girl, you hurry up or nah?" she stormed into the bathroom and looked at me with crossed arms.

"My hair is killing me" I shouted as she started laughing at me.

"Let go of this cute curls, let me do it" I sighed and handed her the comb which she yanked out of my hand.

Slowly she started combing my hair using a spray bottle to wet my hair a little as if I didn't do it yet.

"What plans we got on for tonight?" she questioned looking at my reflection on the mirror.

"Club, obviously" I said and applied some blush on my cheeks.

"I've heard there's a new one down the street. It's a bit further away but we got two healthy legs right?" I sighed and scrunched my eyebrows together.

"You really want me to walk? While being drunk?" I asked seriously.

"You still got me, I'll take care of you. Like all the other nights." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm such a bitch ass friend. You know what? Tonight you're drinking and I'ma keep my eyes wide open and take care of you. Is it a deal?" I asked and held out my pinky.

"Deal" she interlocked our pinkys smiling at me.

After she finished my hair and put it in a cute bun, we left to get some lunch. We had some nice Jamaican fried fish and rice. It was really good and I already felt how tired I got after the food. We headed to the beach and spread out the towels. I was so exciting about having my nap but Amari had different plans and started talking to me.

"I think you'll be my new main character" she uttered bluntly.

"What? Why me?"

"You kind of inspire me, she should be like you. You are lazy for almost everything but you still active for anything you know?" I gave her a smile pulling my sunglasses back down.

Amari was a writer. She wrote several bestsellers and several movies which she even directed. She was Ms. Work personally. She was very enthusiastic and independent as well as ambitious with her only 25 years. She was creativity by itself. Art. Literature. Music. Writing. And her British accent didn't make it any better. Sometimes I think I'm talking to the Queen. I even make tea for her so we're really good friends. She was born in Mexico and was raised there the first five years before they moved to Birmingham, Manchester and finally London where she also started school. She told me that they have to move a lot because her dad couldn't get his work permit nor his documents so he could stay in England.

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