Chapter 29: Hello Albany.

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Today was the day. My first performance in Albany. It was something around 9 am and I was already in the venue doing soundcheck. The dancers including my beautiful girlfriend, were in another big room practicing.

I sang two songs hitting every note just how I wanted it to be. I also needed to get ready since I've a meet and great with my baby's.

„Okay Ariana you're done"

I got off the stage and walked to the room where the dancers were. My eyes immediately caught Shay doing the hot dance moves. She looked so hot. Waterfall. But I didn't have any time to stare, Josh led me into my dressing room where she started to do my hair.

„Are you excited?" she questioned comping my hair.
„Very I swear my heart is gonna explode"

„How are you and Shay doing?"
„Perfect, it couldn't be better at the moment"

„I'm glad for the both of you, you totally deserve that"
„Thanks Josh, I really appreciate that" I responded and she smiled.

Time flew and I was chilling in the backstage room waiting for my meet and greet to start.

Suddenly I felt a body on mine. I felt the most magical lips attacking my face with kisses causing me to giggle.

„I missed my baby" she mumbled in my ear afterwards facing me.
„I missed you too baby"

She placed her soft lips on mine as we moved together in sync. We turned around so I was on top of her. She attached her lips on my neck and sucked on them harshly.

„B-Baby y-yes" I moaned quietly as her hands made their way to my ass giving them a firm squeeze. She kissed over my bare shoulders causing me to get goosebumps all over my body.

Suddenly I heard somebody clearing their throat. We almost immediately pulled away when we saw the whole dance team plus my mother, Nonna and my brother in front of us.

„Just like That Shay" Nonna yelled as everyone laughed.
„Nonna" I uttered in embarrassment.

„Ariana we don't wanna see you two have sex in the backstage, or I won't ever sit on that couch again" Tayla said and both of us blushed.

„Ariana the meet and gre-why are you guys standing here like that?" Scooter came into the room scanning everyone's face. We didn't say anything and stood up fixing our clothes.

„Anyways, the fans are standing in a row, come on Ariana"

„I will see you afterwards on stage baby" I said to Shay as she placed her hands on my waist.
„Take care of you and I'm proud of you, and I love you" she said the last part in a baby voice.
„I love you too"

„Okay love birds, Ariana lets go". Scooter pulled me by my arm.

I saw the big and long row in front of me as I fixed myself another time and the first girl came in.

She squealed in excitement also starting to cry. I calmed her down, took pictures with her and afterwards hugging her.

That's what I did for almost two hours as nobody was there anymore.

„One more hour and then you're on stage Ariana" Scooter told me and I nodded.

I walked into my dressing room as they started to do my hair, my make up and finally picking a matching outfit.

„It's so fucking tight" I breathed out.
„I know but you have to wear this"
„Here the heels"

When I was completely dressed, I took my phone and postet an Instagram story.

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