Chapter 49: Sometimes love isn't enough.

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I landed a few minutes ago In Catania. I flew alone since I talked to Roze about what happened. She accepted it but wanted to distance herself from me what was actually totally okay. I knew I did shit, maybe ‚used' her but I'm also thankful for what she did for me. So we're still good.

I was thinking a lot, especially about Ariana and I. What if everything changed? Like what if she isn't the same and what if I don't feel the same I felt when I met her. Also the same with her? What if we changed a lot? Should we just stay friends? I think it's really the best for the beginning to stay friends. Good friends. And maybe everything will work out but also there's a chance that nothing will work out so yeah. It's a big question for me. I just know that I'll forgive her. I want her to feel okay and not like the biggest bitch. Everyone makes mistakes even though this hurts so much. Everything will be okay. At least I hope so.

Right now I was in the apartment on the sofa chilling. Jaden and Vic will come later since their flight took off a bit later than planned.

I really wanted to take things slow like, I didn't wanna rush anything. If it was true love, I will still love her so much.


me: when are u taking off

court: we're at the airport Ariana didn't make it to pack her stuff so we're flying with her private jet
court: we will be there in
court: wait
court: 16 hours :)

me: :)))))) yah so yah..

court: just shut up and so what u need to do
court: I'll talk to her especially about u so I'll give u sum information while we're on the plane aight?

me: u do that
me: have a safe flight

court: thank u

I threw my phone to the side and made my way into the kitchen to make myself some fruit. I was really excited but also very skeptical.


„So tell me, how are you feeling Ari?" I asked her while she typed something on her phone.

„So you're gonna start smalltalk or what?" she mocked and I rolled my eyes back.
„I just wanted to make sure that you're okay" I fake smiled now taking my phone too.

„Shay is taking a vacation too" Ariana uttered finally facing me.
„Oh-Yes? I didn't know that-I-I mean I didn't think about it-I-I mean yeah maybe she's-you know nevermind"

„So You're still stalking her profile?"
„Sometimes" she whispered to herself.

„Oh you sure about that?"
„Maybe more often—okay I check up on her profile a few times, she deleted the picture with this Roze chick and unfollowed her, but she's following some Bella whoever this is." She told me and I shook my head.

„I don't wanna know everything because I really don't care" I told her as she rolled back her eyes in response.

„But like, are you still in love with her?" I dared to ask, „Of course I am, I'm senseless in love with Shay and I know that! It's just I don't think it will ever work out again. She never wanna see me again so o guess that's it. Sometimes love isn't enough right?"

„Wow Grande that was deep"
„Shut up and fuck off Chipotle" she replied and I let out a laugh.

„It's totally enough— for both of you believe me, persons who made for each other like you two, will always find a way to love each other"

„But what if we aren't?" she questioned raising her brow.
„If you aren't you'll stop to love her like this, if you aren't made for each other then the destiny won't let you find each other" I uttered and she sighed.

„But how will I ever find her if I'm not doing anything about it? Like I could've went to Milan and just meet up with her, talk to her, apologize thousand of times to her. But what am I doing now instead? I'm going with you, on a vacation."

„So I'm trash or whu Grande huh?"

„I didn't say tha-" I cut her immediately off, „Drop it. Look, you've been the biggest dumbass, the biggest bitch, a hoe and everything, you dated an asshole who didn't see your worth, also he was ugly as hell, the Point is you did a lot if shit! But that's still okay you know? We're human! We're doing mistakes. But after you do a mistake you have to show repentance, and you did."

„So what now? Will she come back because I show repentance? No she won't!" she put her face in her hands and I immediately heard soft whimpers coming out of her mouth.

„Ari please don't cry, you never know what will happen next" I stroked over her back trying to comfort her.

„I fucking hate myself, I'm such a bitch! She did everything for me and I? I cheated on her? She really didn't deserve this Court!" she cried out as I sighed.

„Please don't cry, I promise you everything is gonna be okay, I know that" she faced me and pulled me into a hug crying soft on my shoulder.

„I'll be right back" I said to her as she lifted her head immediately. „So you don't wanna be near me?"

„Oh my god Ariana I need to fucking pee!" I told her and she nodded.

I left to the bathroom and quickly took the phone out of my pocket.


me: shay
me: it's 🆘

shay♿️: what happened?

me: ari is
crying gyal and I'm not far away
to begin to cry too

shay♿️: Courtney you're THE bitch I know you would never cry over smth

me: maybe you're right
me: anyways
me: she told me bout how she feels rn
me: please just make it up with her
me: at least as friends!!!!

shay♿️: i will make it up to her
shay♿️: isn't that the point of taking her to Catania????

me: yeah it is and I'm happy bout that but I need to know if you still love her like before
me: do you even have feelings for her?
me: bc I don't wanna build up her self confidence and at the end she'll lose bc of some hopes which won't come true like you know what I mean????

shay♿️: I know but I can't say if I have feelings and if I even love her
shay♿️: she's still an important person to me and everything but I don't know if my feelings towards her changed ykwim?

me: i understand that

shay♿️ the point is, we'll be on Good therms
shay♿️: I need her in my life even tho everything happened like that okay?
shay♿️: she knows that although I didn't show her

me: you're too cute

shay♿️: yeah shut up court

me: I love you too

shay♿️: when are u landing???

me: we still have smth bout 4 hours ig

shay♿️: okay *address* that's the address of the apartment, you'll the apartment next to mine :)

me: what if she asks about you being our neighbor?

shay♿️: coincidence 🧍🏽‍♀️

And with that, I left the bathroom Continuing to comfort Ariana.


Whatcha think :)

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