Chapter 61: Xoxo Kehlani.

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I just woke up by now and I felt so tired. I literally slept for 12 hours and I'm still fucked up. I guess I'm sick but I don't give a fuck.

I got up and went into the kitchen making myself a bowl of cornflakes and soy milk. While I ate, I took out my phone just to check if somebody texted me.


babes💕: you're probably sleeping but I'ma head to Vic
babes💕: I called her and she was crying like real bad I don't know what happened yet
babes💕: I'll text u if I know smth more
babes💕: i love you

me: good morning babessss, hope you and Vic doin great, I just woke up a
few mins ago now I'm eating
me: is Vic okay?
me: tell me if you're awake
me: I love you too

bro: hey u know smth bout Victoria? She's not answering my calls and she's not opening the door

me: sorry for replying ao late but I was sleeping
me: I don't know, Ari told me that she called her and when she picked up she was crying I don't know what's happening I texted Ariana hope she'll reply soon

After I finished my breakfast, I went into the bathroom to make myself ready. It included taking a shower, skin care and doing my make up as well as putting on a short shorts with a white top.

Suddenly I heard my phone ringing and I immediately sprinted my way to the bedroom where I picked up.

„Hello?" I answered not even knowing who's on the other line.
„Hey babe" my girlfriends voice came trough the speaker.

„It's you, where are you is everything alright?" I squealed happily.
„Everything's alright, Victoria and Courtney just had a fight and provoked each other that both of them started to cry" she told me and I'm sorry that I couldn't hold back the laugh.

„They are so dumb I swear to god"
„Yeah like bro, I was at home chilling my ass and I called her to come over, then I just heard her shaky ass crying voice and I thought that something really bad happened." Ariana uttered making me laugh again.

„They're dumb, like kids sometimes. Anyways—what are you doing babes?" I questioned looking at my nails debating when I should let them make done.

„I just got home it's 12:30 am so I don't know what to do—it's boring without you baby"
„It's boring here too, I just got up and had breakfast and did my make up and shit." i replied and she sighed.

„I want you here next to me baby"
„Soon Ari, I promise-" just as I was about to continue my sentence, I revived a message on my MacBook.

„Just a second babe" I told her as I sat on the table and opened my mails.

„Oh my god"

„OH MY GOD" I screamed trough the whole apartment.
„What, What happened?"

„Kehlani's Manager asked me to be a background ‚model' for her new music video" I told my girlfriend starting to squeal again.

„Oh my god I need to answer back quickly, or should I call them?"
„Call them, or give me the number, my manager can do this for you" Ariana said sounding so happy for me.

„Of course babe" She answered me and I squealed again.


A few hours went by and I was at my aunts house relaxing my ass.

„So you dated this singer, right?" My aunt asked me curiously. Please don't get me wrong, but my aunts are like just gossiping around and wanting to know everything. In fucking details.

„Uh-yeah, we were together for like—six months—"
„And why did you break up?"

You see?

„Uhm-so basically it just didn't ‚fit' anymore. She had so much to do with music-she was working, I was working. We couldn't get along behind closed doors that's why we thought that the best thing we could do is breaking up for now." I explained her and she just nodded not taking her eyes away from me.

„But do you still love her? Or could you imagine getting back with her?"
„Yeah sure I do love her, getting back with her is another subject. If we get along why not, but we're uh-not in contact—" I hated it to lie to someone, but I couldn't tell her.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and a message appeared on my lockscreen.

„Just a sec" I told my aunt as I stood up and made my way into the kitchen where I sat on a barstool.


unknown: Hey it's me Kehlani, I guess you're wondering where I have your number from. Arianas manager gave it to me, are you two like friends again? Or are you dating again? If yes, it's really cute. I just wanted to let you know that I'm really excited that you'll be in my music video since you're a really hot model ngl. Could we meet up the next few days just to get everything trough?

XOXO Kehlani

I slapped my forehead when I realized I let Arianas manager do this for me. No one knows that we're even in contact, I'm so dumb.

me: Hey, nice to meet you I really love your music!!! Ariana and I are just friends nothing more but we wanna keep it private lately :) thanks for the offer to be in your video I swear I was so happy. We could totally meet up, right now I'm in Italy but I'll be in Los Angeles in 2 days. If you've time you can text me<3


me: we're so dumb
me: I really let your manager do this even tho nobody knows that we're even in contact
me: sometimes I really think if I have a brain

babes💕: hello to you too, and yes, I told scooter to keep everything private so they won't say anything to anyone
babes💕: what would you do without me hm

me: shut up I got a heart attack


After two hours or something I left my aunts place and went home to get some sleep.


So guys I know this chapter is shit but I'll try to make the next few better. I'm on my holidays so I've time to write and get back my good English lol

I still hope you liked it

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