Chapter 80: Baby niece

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A couple of months passed and everything was perfect. Ariana and I already made up some plans for our wedding. Still nothing big to be honest. We're more like living our present life, talking about some things and stuff. Also I'm a bit overworked since I came back from Milan a few hours ago. I had a shooting there and after that a catwalk.

Ariana was also very very busy. She already started writing on her new album. She also started something new. A whole new era. Months over months went by and I knew that Ari had that idea to bring out her own Make up line. Surprisingly she did. R.E.M Beauty. All of us, our family's and friends, we're more than supportive about it.

My brother Jaden and Victoria were more than happy. They'll have a baby girl on their way. Sooner than expected. Victoria is already in the 9th month.

Of course Ariana and I had the baby talk too. We were talking about adopting a baby or artificial Insemination. I liked both ideas though. There was just a little misunderstanding between the two of us.

Ariana wanted the baby like immediately and I wanted to wait a couple of weeks or months. Why? Because we had work to do. I had a few more shootings and she couldn't say that she hadn't got any other business talks about her make up line. It was just a lot to do. So why should we adopt/get a baby when we have to pay attention to a lot of other things?

We didn't get into a big argument though. It was quick and harsh. Nothing too serious.

What's also new is, that Kehlani will get married soon. She met this musician Danielle. Or how people know her ‚o7o shake'. She told me that they fell in love fast and that everything fitted into their relationship. I was very very happy to hear that. Lani deserved like the best on this world. We still had contact and Adeya was coming over sometimes. I loved this little baby so much.

Anyways, a big difference in our family, is that Joan was seeing someone. His name was Liam. Frankie saw them kissing and he immediately told Nonna. And when Nonna knows, everyone will know it too. That's practically it. She even introduced him to us and we all like him. He's a dark skin, has no hair but a cute smile. He's also a bit older than her which you can't recognize because both of them look a lot younger than they are if you know what I mean.

Too much explaining, right now I was sitting on my chair writing some things on my laptop. These were pretty much only valuations for the shootings I had.

„Baby?" Aris voice appeared from god knows where.
„Huh?" I yelled trough the room.

„Where are you?"
„Office" I quickly replied before going back to my writing.

She was sprinting upstairs from what I heard and not soon after she stopped in front of me catching her breath.

„You okay or something? I've never seen you out of breath like this babe" I cracked a joke but she was serious still breathing like a bear.

„Vic is-in uh—how's this called" she started but again catching her breath.
„What is with Vic? Is she okay?"

„She's in—dear lord— in labor" my eyes widened and I immediately got up.

„What?" I yelled taking my jacket from the bed.
„Jaden called me like ten minutes ago"

„Okay so what are we waiting for, let's go" I dragged her downstairs with me and I got inside the car.


We were sitting in the waiting room for the doctor to come out. We wanted to ask if we could join into the labor room. He nodded so Ari and I got in.

Victoria was sweating the hell out of her while Jaden held her hand.

„Hey Vic" I greeted her with a smile and got over to her to hug her.
„Hey guys, I'm glad you came"

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