Chapter 60: Please come to my house.

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Four days past since I've seen my baby. I was doing alright though, we FaceTimed a lot, we texted so I was always knowing what's up. The time difference is a little bit fucked but we didn't care anyways.

She was in Milan working while I finished my song with The Weekend. I really wanted him to be my feature.

I wrote this song when I realized what mistake I made when I left her. It's very emotional but at the same time a beautiful song. It's called ‚Save your Tears'. I was really exciting to release it on the next Friday.

Right now it was 2 pm and I had lunch with my mom , Nonna and Frankie in a good restaurant.
I didn't tell them about Shay and I since I really wanted to wait when she arrives here. We would tell them together and I think that's way better.

„So how was Catania?" Nonna asked me with a smirk. This woman was the FBI.
„It was cool, Courtney and I were on the beach and took a lot of sunbaths there."

„You're still white like cheese" Frankie shamed me as always.
„You know that words can hurt a person?" he shrugged continue to eat his pasta.

„So you're releasing the next Friday right?"
„I hope so, we finished everything, the music video is finished, I think we're ready." I replied happily.

„Shay was on Catania" Nonna said out of nowhere. I told you. You can't even have secrets when you're near her.

I looked over at her and saw her already smirking.
„So what?"

„Did you meet her?" she questioned with a grin on her lips.
„Yes-she was there with her brother and Victoria so we Met up. Nothing special." I confirmed to her but she was giving me the looks.

„Nonna there wasn't anything-"
„-Okay we believe you" Frankie cut me off.

Oh no don't believe me. Nonna is right. I got fucked the last night. She was always right. She knew it.

„Ariana your birthday is next Sunday are you gonna throw a party?" my mom asked changing the subject.

„I guess I will, it's just a bit too much to organize and I don't even know how to decora-"
„-I will call Robert and tell him to start, he has the keys of your house anyways" my mom uttered with a smile and I just shook my head with a smile.

After we finished our food, I made my way home as well as them. Arriving there, I just threw my shoes off my feet and smashed my body on my bed.

Without delay I pulled my phone out and went on iMessage to text Shay.


me: hey babes how r uuuu
me: i miss u

baby🤍: heyyy
baby🤍: yeah I'm good I just woke up :)

me: I hate this time difference sometimes
me: did you sleep good?

baby🤍: kinda
baby🤍: my back still hurts bc of the sunburn

me: oh I remember is it still red?


me: I would give u a massage

baby🤍: I know you would

me: I miss u

baby🤍: I miss u too
baby🤍: we will see each other very soon I promise

me: well I hope so
me: if not I'll come and get u and I won't care about the paps or anyone
me: so be a good girl and take your damn stuff with you
me: and get that hot ass of yours in my damn ass house

baby🤍: wow you really need it right?

me: and what if?

baby🤍: nothing because I won't help you

me: why???????

baby🤍: it's your problem
baby🤍: oh and just to remember u that I noticed that u stole my dior shirt
baby🤍: I didn't even notice
baby🤍: I saw how u just took and it pushed it somewhere into your suitcase

me: that's the biggest lie
me: how can you lie so good ???

baby🤍: so where is it when it's not here?

me: Santa took it with him

baby🤍: wow you're a really bad liar

me: it's the Truth!!!!!

baby🤍: mhm and I'm supermans wife

me: you're MY wife

baby🤍: maybe :)
baby🤍: anyways I'm gonna get breakfast
baby🤍: I'll text u then
baby🤍: i love u santa

me: I love u too wifey 😼


6 minutes passed since I woke up from my ‚quick and short' nap. It was 7 pm by now and I just started to watch Netflix. It was really boring so I decided to call Victoria.

„Hey vic, you wanna come over?"
„A-Ari?" her voice came out of the speakers. It sounded so shaky and like she cried for the past few hours.

„Victoria are you okay?" I immediately asked bad thoughts flooding my mind.
„Please c-come to my place-o-okay?"

„Give me ten" I hung up.

I took my purse, put on my shoes and started my car driving to my best friends house.


Hey guys, so basically I don't have time to update. I'm really trying but I'm on an internship so it's a bit hard for me. Still trying to give y'all some good chapters.


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