Chapter 4: Let her fucking go.

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Suddenly the door opened and both of us snapped in the direction. I was met with Courtney who walked in looking at us.

„Uh-hey, I just forgot my jacket here, what are you watching?" she asked. I could say that she didn't even care I gave he the looks, she was way too much focused on Shay.

„We're watching the Nun and Ariana's shitting her pants" Shay spoke up and I let out a giggle.
„That's so not true" I defended and Shay chuckled.

„Can I join you?" Courtney asked and I sighed and nodded.

She sat next to Shay still admiring every move she made.

At some point both of them didn't even pay attention to the movie. Courtney pissed her off by slapping her the whole time.

„Uh Ari? Let's go into some random club, just the three of us" Courtney expressed and I looked at them.

„Like now?"
„Of course now, get your ass up bitch" she told me as she pulled me up by my hand.

I just took my bag and the three of us made their way to Shay's car since she was the one who was driving.

It wasn't a long ride but Courtney was so annoying. She was constantly flirting with her trying to touch her the whole time.

A few minutes went by and we were already standing inside the club dancing around. There were a few people who wanted pictures but in the end there weren't any paparazzis thank god.

We were sitting on the bar stools ordering some drinks. Shay and I were having a conversation about I don't know what but Courtney constantly cut us off.

After some shots and few glasses of champagne, all three of us were dancing on the dance floor.

„She's so hot" Courtney whispered into my ear as she rubbed our shoulders against each other. I nodded and gave her a fake smile.

„Ari do you wanna drink a few more sho-" Shay got cutting off by a guy and a girl rambling her.

„Sorry I didn't see yo-"
„-Dalton?" as he turned around to face her I immediately recognized the face of my boyfriend.

„Ar-Ariana? What the fuck are you doing here?" he questioned. I tried to hold back my tears so hard.

„Who's that?" I asked pointing to the woman who was still holding his hand.

„Ariana let me explain-"
„You explained everything by your actions" I yelled at him and that's when he placed his hands on my arms. It wasn't hard but harder than usual.

„Ariana let me explain please" I shook my hand as I noticed how his grip tightened.
„Let me go"

He started dragging me outside leaving his ‚side-chick' behind us. We got out and he still didn't took off his hands of my arm.

„Look Ariana I can explain everything"
„Fine, than do it! Do it and tell me what I did wrong!" I yelled and he sighed.

„I'm just-you've so much to do and you know-" I cut him off by slapping his cheek.
„So much to do? Fuck you Dalton. Simply, Fuck you and your personality. I don't even know how I could be with you. Fuck you." I yelled and I heard the door of the club slowly opening. Shay and Courtney appeared both looking at me worriedly.

Just as I wanted to go, he grabbed me by my wrist.

„You can't leave me, you love me"
„Dalton let me go" I said at the tight grip of his hand around my wrist.

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