Chapter 30: You're mine, right?

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I left Ariana in only her bra and her panties the same I was. I admired her body, wandering my hands up and down. From her neck down to her stomach, resting them on her waist.

„You know that you're the only one I love, there's no other girl" I whispered leaving a kiss on her cheek. I also bit her earlobe since I knew how much she liked it.

„You're pussy is the only thing my tongue will ever be in touch with babygirl" I licked over her neck down to her collarbone leaving hickeys and bite marks.

„The only thing I wanna swallow is this sweet cum of yours" and again I swiped my tongue inside her mouth. She couldn't hold her moans back so I tried to swallow every of them. I took her bottom lip between my teeth nibbling on it harshly.

„What do you want me to do baby hm?" With my hand I pulled her by her face closer to me.
„Look at me when you wanna say something"

„I-want you to fuck me so hard, to insult me, to spank me when I disobey" she sounded very confident about the things she wanted. So she was this type? Good.

I attached my lips on her neck and started to kiss her again, with my other hand I searched for the handcuffs which I placed in there before we got out today. I knew she wanted me.

I placed both of her hands above her and locked them on the bed.

„You like this babygirl hm?" I asked her going with my index finger over her lips.
„M-Mhm" I knew what she wanted by the way she was looking at me. Biting her lip, arching her back, begging for more.

„Dirty little slut hm?" I said placing my hands around her neck giving it a firm squeeze. By her moans I saw how much she enjoyed it.

„If you disobey me babygirl, you're gonna be wet all the time without being able to touch yourself, without me pleasuring this pussy"

She pinched her eyes close as she rubbed herself against my leg.

„You want me so bad hm?"
„Y-Yes" she responded looking at me.

„You want my fingers inside you? My tongue circling around your clit?" she nodded her head as I saw already blood dripping from her lip.

I smiled and without thinking twice, I kissed her bloody lip. I slapped her cheeks lightly as she let out satisfy moans after every slap.

„F-Fuck yes baby" she moaned as she tried to squeeze something together but since her hands were cuffed against the bed, she couldn't move an inch. She was right there where I wanted her so bad.

I unclasped her bra as her already hard nipples showed directly in my face.

„So horny babe" I said and licked from her collarbone to her breasts. I placed my mouth around her nipples and started to suck on them hard Arianas moans filling my mouth.

„Mm-fuck baby" I didn't say anything and just continued to pleasure her boobs.

At some point I felt something wet on my arms and when I looked down, I saw Ariana rubbing herself against my arm. I looked up with a smirk and took a big strand of her in my hand.

„What did I tell you about disobeying me?" I questioned as I started to pull her her closer and closer to my face.

„You're so wet for me is it like that?" she nodded her head. I kissed her lips passionate, with so much emotion, she should know how much I love her even though we're having rough sex right now.

I placed my hand on her core feeling how wet the thin fabric already is. I took it off and I was faced with her pink pussy which was more glistening then ever.

I turned her around a bit and spanked her ass leaving marks of my hands on them. She enjoyed it so much while she let out moans I never thought she could let out.

„Whatcha want me to do, babygirl, tell me a bit, talk to me" I commanded.

„I-want you to fuck me so hard, I want you to fuck me till I can't walk anymore, I beg you for it" she almost cried out and that's when I entered her pussy.

She was already so wet so it wasn't a problem to get there where I wanted.

„Oh-fuck baby yes just like that, f-fuck" she moaned as I looked at her. Her back already arched a bit.

I kissed her lips without stopping to finger her. Sometimes I pushed them inside very rough and very hard causing her to moan so loud that I knew somebody could hear us.

I went down with my head, enjoying the sight of the still wet glistening pussy. With my tongue I entered her and swallowed the liquid which was already in my mouth. I found her clit which I immediacy stimulated with pleasure. I was so in love with her that I couldn't tell her so I must show her.

With three of my fingers, I entered her again and quickly found her g-spot. I thrusted inside her, her moans louder then I thought.

„B-Baby I-"
„-You will cum when I say so, you know the rules baby" I cut her off and again she bit her lip trying to hold back the moans.

„Cum for me babe, now" I commanded and I felt walls tighten, her hips bucked and a huge load of um released on my finger. I let her road out her orgasm until she calmed down.

Then I pulled my fingers out, wrapped my tongue around them and licked them clean moaning at the taste of them.

„Fuck this was-amazing" Ariana mumbled to herself as I let out a chuckle. I opened the handcuffs and without even a minute waiting, she turned us around and got on top of me.

„My turn" she smirked as she got on top of me. She took off my bra as well as my thong leaving me all naked.

The way her lips felt against my skin made me feel some type of way.

„You're so hot" she mumbled and I smirked placing her hair on one said. I spread my legs and that's when I felt her tongue entering my core.

She was slow but soon picked up the pace. I moaned squeezing the sheets tightly as she added two fingers inside. I was a moaning, deepening her head in my pussy.

„B-Baby I'm gonna cum"
„Then cum for me baby" she said and I released my cum all over her fingers. She did the same as I and licked her fingers cleaning herself.

She smashed herself next to me and smiled cuddling up into my neck.

„I love you so much baby"
„I love you so much too babe" I responded and she giggled.

„You're mine, right?" she questioned facing me. I smiled and kissed her lips.
„Only yours"


JUST FOR MA HORNY BITCHES :) also make yourself ready for sum drama...maybe that's the last smut scene before it starts

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