Chapter 23: Don't be mad.

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I yawned loudly when I started to stretch myself. Thank god that the curtains were closed but I could still see a the sunlight shining trough it. When I looked down, I see Ariana cuddled into my chest, her eyes were still closed, she breathed peacefully. I went trough her natural hair while she slept peacefully.

Without any doubt she was the most perfect human on earth. She was so beautiful. I admired every inch of her and I'm so thankful to have her. To call her mine.

The sheets were tightly around us giving us even more warmth. Memories immediately flooded back in my mind. I couldn't imagine it better. I felt pure love last night. And I was thankful to experience it with her.

I wanted to get up but I didn't wanna wake her so I tried to escape out of her grip. Suddenly it tighten and when I looked down I was met with her eyes.

„Did I wake you?" I whispered and she let out a giggle.
„No you didn't"

„Then I wish you a good morning dimples" I placed my lips on hers.
„Good morning to you too baby"

„How do you feel?"
„Couldn't be better, you?" she replied and I let out a giggle.
„Me too"

„Do you need to go to the studio today?" she shook her head in response.
„I need to go tomorrow though-I'll release the song on this Saturday"

„In two days?" I asked excited and she nodded her head.
„But like-what will you tell your fans, you know they will ask why did you release it out of sudden also it's just two weeks til the tour"

„So? I felt like to release a song and I wrote it and I did it, and now it's there. I just need to record a few more lines and it's finish." she uttered looking up to me while my arms were wrapped around her body.

„Okay,Okay, can I at least hear it?"
„No, you're not allowed to hear it. First after release." She told me and I rolled back my eyes.

„What if I don't want to wait?" I questioned rubbing up her bare shoulder. I started to place soft kisses all over her shoulder.

„Then I'll be mad"
„I wanna see you being mad at me" I smirked to myself as she rolled back her eyes.

I sat up rubbing my eyes. I took my panties and put them on. I felt Arianas stare on me causing me to smirk to myself.

„Is there something special you're staring at huh?"
„My girlfriend got some good cake" she replied biting her bottom lip.

I chuckled and just pull over a simply bathrobe.

„What should I say about you then?" I asked as she held out her arms so I could pull her up.

I smacked her ass lightly as she put on her panties as well and walked into my closet.

„Okay what could I steal?" she whispered to herself.

There she stood, without her bra, her beautiful bare skin showing. I noticed the purple marks I left on her back. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek and I could immediately feel her smile, her cute dimples showing.

Now I also noticed the marks I left on her chest, her stomach, her neck. Was I that wild? She turned around and connected our lips together. I placed my hands on her waist rubbing up and down. Her hands went on my back and that's when I hissed in pain.

„Baby are you okay?" she asked worried.
„Yeah it's just, I've this pain on my back" I replied.

„Let me see" Ariana pulled the robe a bit down and placed her hand over her mouth.

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