Chapter 6: I wanna ask you something Ari.

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A few weeks went by and I was feeling a lot better. I could say that I almost forgot the son of a bitch but yeah, like I said. Almost.

He tried to contact me a few times so he could talk to me but I blocked him every time.

Also Shay and I were very close friends. She was at mine for like everyday or me at hers. We watched movies, talked to each other, I got to know every little secret she had. Also I got to know that she's bi and dated a girl for like a year. She had two relationships with a guy but both cheated on her. The girl did the same shit.

I couldn't even understand why though. I mean-Shay is fine, like very fine. She's a goddess. Her body is just so perfect toned, her abs, her fucking hair. Her eyes. Everything.

Oh and also the thing about Courtney. They went to have dinner together and I could say that Courtney really likes her. Once she called me and told me that she thinks she fell for Shay badly. Of course I was happy for her because Shay is really a nice person. But somehow it made me upset. But why? Am I afraid of losing Shay? Or was I just very selfish.
I don't know but I also didn't mind. If Shay likes her back, it's all good isn't it?

So tour starts in like 3 months and we already did some dance sessions just like we were going to do some today.

I was just about to get out of my car as I saw a taller girl walking towards me. Since I didn't see very good, I first recognized her when she stood very close to me.

„Hey Ari" Shay greeted me with a hug.
„Hey, why are you here so early?"

„What do you mean?"
„Uh-the dancers should be here around 8, it's 7" I told her and she let out a deep breath.

„I'm so dumb, so I could literally sleep a few minutes longer?" I nodded and she groaned.
„Fuck it, let's go in" I chuckled and both of us went in.

She immediately walked over to the food table and grabbed herself some bread and some vegan cheese. I did the same and we sat down looking at each other.

„So? What are you doing today?" I questioned and she shrugged.
„I don't know I thought about getting some sleep" she rolled back her eyes and smiled at me.

„It's too early for you huh?"
„Obviously Ariana"

„So—what's with you and Co-" I got cut off by her.

„Hey bitches" my best friends voice appeared behind me.
„Hey court"
„Hey" I said with a bit of attitude.

She went over and kissed Shay's cheek making me groan.

„Did you sleep good babe?" Shay nodded and continued to eat her breakfast.

„What did you want to ask earlier?"
„It's nothing-I've to go to Brian" I replied and stood up.

„See ya in a few" I nodded my head slightly and left the area where Courtney and she were.

I walked over to Brian as he wanted to explain the choreography for today.

„Okay so there will be a few background dancers, Cameron and Kai will be next to yo-Ariana are you even listening?" Brian cut me off from my stare.

I was watching them laughing together while Courtney played with her fingers. Sometimes she was so fucking annoying.

„Mhm-I don't want water thank you, so what's about the choreography Brian I don't have time all day" I told him and he groaned.

„Ariana I explained it to you like a minute a-you know what? Never mind. You're dancing with Shay today. We're doing the ‚Break up with your girlfriend' part you know?" as I heard her name I immediately looked at Brian who was smirking at me.

„Okay" I tried to shrug it off as cool as it was possible.

We waited for the rest of the dancers and started. Brian and Scott explained the choreography and I could say, the background dancers were pretty good.

„Shay, Ariana, your part, so practically Ariana is placing her leg over your shoulder and you have to move your head a bit like this" he showed her and she nodded.

„5...6...7...8" the melody boosted trough the speakers as we did exactly the moves he told us. I placed my leg over her shoulder and as she placed her hand on it, I got goosebumps all over my body.

After that she had to pretended that she was licking my inner thigh. I slowly tilted her head up and down and at the end pushing it away.

I felt heat rush trough my body as we repeated it another time. She looked up at me and blushed slightly.


„Okay guys, good work. We'll see each other on Monday again" Scott uttered and said goodbye to everyone.

„You did great" I told her as she took a sip of her water.
„Don't be cheesy, it was okay" I rolled my eyes bald making her chuckle.

„You wanna grab lunch with me?"
„I'd love to" I replied and took my bag as we made our way out.

„Shay where are you going?" Courtney yelled running towards us.

This bitch is so annoying oh my god.

„We're grabbing some lunch-"
„And you didn't mean to ask me?" she cut her off. Shay looked down in embarrassment.

„No we didn't, and now bye" I took Shay's hand in mine at which I felt the electric between us again but it didn't make me to pull away.

We walked out as she released herself out of my grip.

„Why were you so mad at her, maybe she's sad now" she looked at the front door and then at me again.

„No she's not sad. And I didn't have any time with you since you were always with her. Every time I asked you to do something you told me you were with Courtney."


„-No it's totally fine Shay, but you're also one of my best friends, like you were there for me when she wasn't! That's the point. I don't want you to forget me." I cut her off. She walked closer to me and looked into my eyes.

„I didn't know you felt like this- I'm sorry for this" I shook my head.

„It's fine, it was dumb for saying something like that, forget it"

„No it wasn't tell me why are you thinking like that?" she questioned and I sighed.
„It's nothing Shay, let's go I'm hungry"

She opened her car and sat in the same I did.

„Where you wanna go?"
„I'm okay with everything" I told her and she nodded starting the engine.

-skip car ride-

We arrived at some restaurant where we ordered some pizzas.

„I wanna ask you something Ari" I faced her also giving her my full attention.

„Uh-my friends will do a Beach Party tomorrow, I wanted to ask you if you wanna go-with me"

She did really ask me, right? Is that a date? What? What the hell am I talking about. Relax Ariana.

„For real?" she nodded and I smiled.

„I'd love to, when?"
„I'll text you the details and I'll pick you also up" she expressed.

„You can also invite some of your friends, I already invited Kai, Camerom, Brandon, Tiley and Darrion" she spoke and I nodded.

After we finished lunch, she drove me back to the studio where I got back into my car and drove home.

I was excited about to tomorrow, god.


Also Shay is looking different now, go to chapter two and look at the insta post!
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