Chapter 2: Let's go together.

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„I can drive you-it's not a problem"

The way she looked at me with those sparkling eyes. She was more beautiful in real life than in any show. I mean it was always a big dream of mine to dance for a big star like her.

Before I completely zoned out, I shook my head with a smile.

„It's really okay Ariana, I'll go by myself maybe I'll stop at some Starbucks to get something to drink or I don't know"

„See? Let's go together" she suggested crossing her arms with a smile on her face.

„Fine" I rolled back my eyes and she clapped her hands. That was cute girl.

She led me over to her car before both of us sat in and buckled our belts. She turned on the volume and drove off.

A few went by before we pulled up into a parking lot in front of a big Starbucks.

„Okay I guess you should go out by yourself in case you want flashlights in your face" she told me honestly and I chuckled shaking my head.

„I'll just grab us something, what do you like?"
„A soy latte please" She wanted to hand me the money but I pushed her hand off.

„I'll pay" she shook her head and tried to put it into my bag.

„Ariana I'll go out now and buy some drinks, okay?" I said sounding more like a question.
„Just take the fucking money Shay"

And just as she wanted to hand me the money, I managed to go out and closed the door. I showed her my tongue with a chuckle before I ran inside.

„Hey, what can I give you?"
„Uh-I'd like one soy latte and an ice coffee please" I told the woman.

I paid and there I stood waiting for the drinks to get ready.

To be honest, everything felt so surreal. I mean from one day to another my life changed a lot. And suddenly I know Ariana fucking Grande. How?

Of course I was excited to be around her but I guess it would be rude to act like a little fangirl around her. I could say that she's my boss.

I shook myself out of my thoughts as the drinks were ready. I took them and took also four mini sugar packets before I walked over to Arianas Tesla.

„Here's your soy latte" I told her as I handed her the drink.
„Thank you, how much I owe you now?"

„Just drink it" she smiled at me and took a sip out of the cup.

„So, Shay, let me know some things about you" I pouted facing her.

„I can tell you that I'm not that interesting"
„But I wanna know like how old are you, any siblings, are you working or I don't know" she responded and I hummed.

„I'm 24 uh—my mother is from Italy but she moved to the US when she fell in love with my dad. I worked at my parents company but it wasn't what I like so I just helped out some times. I have an older brother but he lives in New York so we don't see each other very often but that's okay" I explained.

„Go on, I like the way you talk" she blushed as she just realized what she said.

„I'm vegan since I'm 15, I finished collage—ah my favorite food is pasta since I'm half italian I eat it like every day. I live alone in a house and I guess that's it"

„And what about you? I mean I know some things like that you're 27 and you have a brother but the rest-" she cut me off starting to giggle.

„You really wanna know things like these?" she asked me as I gave her a confused look.
„You just wanted to know all these things too, so? Start"

„I'm half Italian too, I'm living alone in a house but most of the time my boyfriend is there with me, I'm also vegan and I love it to eat fruits but I'm too lazy to cut them all so I don't eat them often"

„Lazy ass" I mumbled and she laughed hitting my arm playfully.

We finished our drinks continue to talk about life and things.

„It was really nice to hang out with you but I need to go back home now, I just wanna take a shower" I unbuckled my seatbelt and as I wanted to step out I was held back by Ariana who placed her hand around my wrist.

I looked at our kind of ‚interlocked' hand before she let me go.

„Uh-don't go, I'll drive you home, I told you already. Since you didn't let me pay, let me drive you home, just one time" she expressed.

„Just one time" I said seriously but still smiling at her. She nodded with a grin on her face as she started to drive.

I typed in my address in her gps because me describing ways was—just don't.

„Thanks for bringing me home"
„No need to thank me Shay"

„I'll see you on Wednesday?" I asked and she nodded.
„Actually give me your number because sometimes the session starts later" I nodded and told her my number.

Since my phone broke I guess I won't get any notifications. Also I couldn't respond back. Wow Badass Shay.

„You wanna come inside?" I asked and she shook her head.
„I'd love to but I need to go home too, I told my best friend to pick her up"

„At least you're a good friend and not like mine" I joked and she let out her precious giggle.

„Bye Ariana"
„Bye Shay" I closed the door and made my way to my front door following by unlocking.

I stepped in and threw my bag on the couch before I headed upstairs. I took some new clothes and stepped into the shower.

After I finished, I sat on my bed and relaxed on my phone.


„Oh my god Courtney I swear she's so fine" I told Courtney about Shay and she played it off very cool.

„Let's bet that she's not that hot"
„Bitch, she is I swear—" I cut myself off as I started to look for her Instagram.


Liked by haileybieber, giannar, jadendavis and 10

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Liked by haileybieber, giannar, jadendavis and 10.089 others

shaydavis la vita é bella🤎

haileybieber 🌶
shaydavis @haileybieber 🥵

giannar stop being so hot plsssss¿
shaydavis @giannar yah yah stfu

jadendavis you're so ugly I was ALWAYS the hotter child
shaydavis @jadendavis don't believe in everything what mommy told u !

„What the fuck-she's so hot" Courtney uttered.
„I told y-"

„-Fuck look at her" she said as she went trough her Instagram feed.

„Do you have her number?" she asked me and I shook my head.

„But she has mine, she'll text me when she gets a new phone, she actually broke it" I explained and Courtney nodded.

„Can you give me her number too?" I just chuckled not answering her question.

Anyways, we changed subject and we ended up looking a show.


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