Chapter 10: You're so warm.

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After like an hour, we drove back and I drove her home since tomorrow were practice sessions and she needed to make some stuff done.

We were in the front of her house and she looked over to me giving me a smile.

„I guess I'll see you tomorrow in the venue, right?"
„I'll be there superstar" I replied with a grin and she rolled back her eyes.

„Uh-bye then" she mumbled.

She didn't get out of the car, I mean I didn't mind but we held intensive eye contact.

I slowly leant in and kissed her lips softly. Every time our lips touched, I felt sparkles trough my whole body. It just felt so right.

„Have a good night" I added after the last kiss we Shared.
„You too, drive safe" I nodded and that's when she got out.

Just before she opened the car door, she waved at me and opened the door causing me to wave back.


I arrived home a few minutes ago and by now I was in the shower. I let the water drop on my skin as I started to wash my hair.

My mind immediately wandered back to her. I didn't know what it was, it was just so easy to be with her and I was so happy. Of course I did want to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I think it was too early for that. I wanna find out what it was, if it was really that serious. I meant it very serious, I didn't even know I can mean something that serious. But I wanted her to be mine.

When I finished with showering, I smashed my body on the bed and took my phone, it was something around 2'30 by now and I wasn't even tired. When I unlocked my phone, I saw a few messages.


court: what was that with aris comment on Instagram

me: what about it?

court: oh nothing you know just every normal comments this

me: Courtney it's fine

court: it's totally not but ok do what u want

me: relax a bit chipolone

ariana🤍: r u home
ariana🤍: I'm worried like it's like two hours later or smth
ariana🤍: tf pls text me back I can't I'm afraid smth happened to u
ariana🤍: shay :(

me: I'm sorry babu
me: I took a shower I didn't wanna scare u

ariana🤍: thank god you're okay
ariana🤍: what r u doing also the nickname's cute

me: like I said I got out the shower and now I'm debating if I should watch a movie

ariana🤍: I want u here next to me🥺

me: needy baby 🥰

ariana🤍: but I'm yours

me: true me: don't you wanna go to sleep you'll be tired tomorrow

ariana🤍: I can't fall asleep without u

me: 🥺 U come to mine after practice right?

ariana🤍: just wanna cuddle with u

me: you are so cute 🤍

ariana🤍: only to u

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