29 - After

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So now, when she saw her son looking worried through his neutral expression, and the boy next to him looking as if he was about to drop to the floor, she ushered them in and told them she would make them hot drinks whilst the pair headed into Tsuki's room. Kageyama sat on Tsuki's bed and the middle blocker got him out a t-shirt and joggers.

"Hey, change into these. They'll be more comfortable to sleep in."


The setter got changed whilst Tsuki went downstairs to get their drinks. His mother asked what had happened and he explained going back for a full day- even if it was only for a morning- had taken a toll. He still wasn't very well physically or mentally.

Walking upstairs, he stopped when his mother called him. He turned around on the stairs and saw her giving him a warm yet stern smile.

"I'll take care of him whilst you go back to school. I'm sure he doesn't want you missing classes."

He sighed and nodded before continuing to his room and when he walked in Kageyama was lying on top of the covers half-asleep.

"Hey, you can't sleep like that."

"I can't sleep anyways." the setter replied, looking at him with dead eyes.


The middle blocker sat down on the bed and handed the younger a cup of tea which he accepted, the warm mug sending a shiver through him. He asked Tsuki about his lessons whilst he listened quietly, slowly drinking his beverage as he leaned his head on the older's shoulder, his eyes resting shut. 

Around half an hour later, the blond looked down and saw that the younger was asleep. He let out a relieved sigh as he slowly shuffled off the bed, helping the male under the covers. He placed a kiss against the setter's bare forehead before heading downstairs and grabbing his bag; he told his mother he was heading back to school and to check up on Kageyama in case he had any night terrors.

"Don't worry, he's in good hands. Now go or you'll be late."

"Alright, see you later."

The blond headed out the door and walked at a relatively fast pace to make it to his afternoon classes on time. Thankfully he was only around a ten minute walk away from Karasuno if he was fast. He also found Yamaguchi in his classroom since they shared a few classes together; they chatted as the classes went on, not learning anything too new. 

"How's Kageyama? He looked a little better this morning but still really tired. He still not himself?"

"He's okay, I guess."

"Is the Tsuki questioning himself?"


"Then what?"

The middle blocker sighed as he questioned whether to tell his friend about that lunchtime's events.

"... He passed out at lunch."

"He what!?" exclaimed Yamaguchi, quickly apologising when the teacher gave him a stern look. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, but I took him home."

"Good, it wouldn't be good for him to get worse when he's starting to seem a little better."

The blond nodded and the two returned to talking about other things, mostly school and volleyball. When the last class had ended and all of the students were packing up to head home, Tsuki's phone buzzed. The middle blocker took his phone out of his pocket and saw a notification of a new text message:

 Time: 3:45PM 

King 👑: I went out to Sobo's café. See you there? 

He was glad the younger was out and about; he sent a reply soon after:

Time: 3:47PM

Tsuki 🧂: Sure, be there in twenty.

King 👑: Okay, see you

He slipped his phone away and continued to talk with Yamaguchi until they reached their usual parting street. Yamaguchi questioned why he was heading down a different street and Tsuki simply said he was going to get some coffee, asking if he wanted to come. The float server declined, saying he had too much homework to do, but asked him to tell Kageyama everyone hoped he would start playing again soon.

It took the middle blocker halfway to the coffee shop before he realised the hidden meaning in his friend's words. A red tint appeared on his cheeks, and it wasn't from the cool afternoon air...

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