part 2

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after that we made it home and aya grabbed her bag running in while i slowly got out leaving my books in the car and locking the car doors walking up to the front door of my house when i made it in i closed the door behind me and went to my room plopping on the bed and watching tv i was bored out of my mind when my phone went off with a face time call from isa so i set up my phone and picked up

Isa: hey y/n
Y: hey isa
Isa: what are you doing
Y: watching tv i just got home a few minutes ago
Isa: oh nice nice
Y: sorry if this is awkward i really don't know how to fill the silence this is gonna sound lonely but i've never had a friend before
Isa: glad to know i'm not in this boat alone but neither have i so since we're in this together maybe we can help each other out
Y: i can use all the help i can get so what can you tell me about the people at our school
Isa: there's really not much you have your jocks thinking they run everything and trying to get in anyone's pants then you have your social nerds that don't really talk to anyone you got your quiet pretty girls example me and you we're the kind of guys fuck boys try to get with so watch out then you got your "popular girls" the girls that date the fuck boys not knowing they're getting played but they walk around as if they own the school and that leaves nothing less than the fuck boys there's tons of them you gotta be careful with them they'll use you and when they're done they'll leave you example derek and his friend group
Y: who's "derek and his friend group"
Isa: ok so you got kobe morris
Y: oh i have a clas with him he's cute
Isa: no he's the biggest fuck boy sleeps with any girl anytime and never keeps a steady relationship for more than a day without cheating
Y: jeez never mind then
Isa: next you got vallyk pena he seems innocent but he took my virginity then the next day told me he had a girlfriend
Y: ouch that must've sucked
Isa: yea but it's over now next you mike aka michael chong now he's not as bad as kobe but he's pretty damn close he'll treat you like a princess then once he gets with you you're like yesterday's newspaper and that's leave us with the last one derek trendz he'll do about anything for the hell of it one time the boys paid him to sleep with a girl in under twenty four hours and when he did they paid him and told the whole school leaving that girl heartbroken
Y: how do you know all this
Isa: the girls they did it to were my friends we were all close until i was the last one to get played so they all thought i was lying and that i was the one that set them up
Y: why would they think that
Isa: because unfortunately i was the one that set all of them up
Y: oh i can see where that would've caused problems
Isa: yea but be careful with those group of boys they're known to be the biggest fuck boys our school has ever had and they're not scared to admit it
Y: thanks for the heads up
Isa: of course

y/n kept getting the scoop on everything at the school until her mom called her down to eat so she told isa she'd call her later and hung the phone up going downstairs and sitting at the dinner table

Y/m: so how was y'all first day of school
Aya: amazing i saw all my friends and my boyfriend gave me a promise ring and on top of that all of my teachers are awesome
Y/m: that's amazing sweetie what about you y/n
Y: um i met a new friend today
Y/m: oooo is he a boy
Y: no she's a girl her name is isa
Y/m: y/n are you a lesbian
Y: mom no what she's just my friend jeez
Y/m: hey i'm just asking even if you were i'd still love you
Y: i'm eating dinner upstairs goodbye

y/n grabbed her plate walking upstairs and locking herself in her room she then sat on the bed eating and watching TVD and scrolling through her socials after a while she got up taking her plate downstairs raking it off with her fork then washing it and putting it in the dishwasher to dry once she was done she thanked her mon giving her a side hug and lightly kissing her on the cheek then she jogged upstairs to her room laying down and falling asleep forgetting to call isa back she was peacefully sleeping when she woke up to her mom pounding on her door

Y: ugh i'm coming

her mom knocked a little bit longer making sure then she walked away from the door

Y: can't wait until i move out

y/n dragged herself into the shower getting cleaned up then she got out drying off and straightening her hair then putting on a black hoodie and a pair of black ripped jean shorts with her furry ugg sandals she then got her keys as walked downstairs eating breakfast while aya ran back and forth through the house once she finished she washed her plate and kissed her moms cheek then stood at the door leaned against the frame waiting for aya to come on

Y: bruh come on you're gonna make me late
Aya: i don't care i can't find a shirt
Y: wear one of mine and come on

aya ran to y/ns room finding a shirt and throwing it on then they got in her car driving to school once they made it they quickly got out speed walking to class y/n was an inch away from the door when the bell rung then she stepped in and the teacher stood in her way


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