part 87

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as the hours past y/n woke up with a pounding headache so she went to her room walking inside and going in the shower getting cleaned up then she got dried off and put on a pair of shorts with an oversized hoodie with her furry ugg slides then she put her hair in a messy bun and walked out the bathroom looking around for her phone she started going into every single room looking for it until she walked into one room and it took all her attention away and she just stood there crying fast and hard when she saw derek fully dressed but going down on nupur

Y: wow um sorry for interrupting
Derek: shit y/n

y/n ignored derek and walked to valentinas room waking her up and going downstairs about to walk out the door but derek grabbed her hand and this time instead of slapping him she punched him directly in the face and kept hitting him over and over until ashley pulled her back

Y: i hate you i fucking hate you i should've never accepted this dumb ass ring fuck you and fuck everything else the wedding is off i'm done with you i was nothing but good to you i did everything for you and obviously it doesn't mean shit to you so if i didn't walk in the room would you have fucked her i mean you were already half way there right i guess i just walked in on the wrong time you're a fucking bitch i gave you a chance even after i figured all the fuck shit you did and obviously still do and nupur how dare you come in my fucking house and do some snake ass shit like that
Nupur: we're not friends i don't owe you any loyalty
Y: you right but i owe you this ass whooping

y/n handed valentina to ashley then she walked to nupur grabbing her hair pulling it over her face and started kneeing her directly in the face after a while she kicked her really hard making her throw her head back and once she did y/n started scratching and punching her face even after nupur stopped fighting back then after that hunter pulled y/n off and she finally stopped

Y: fuck you weak ass bitch and fuck you derek you and this bullshit two year relationship can burn in fucking hell here give the ring to this bitch since you like her so much

y/n threw the ring on nupur who was laying on the ground crying and she went to ashley grabbing valentina then she walked out just walking down the street until jaden pulled up next to her and without saying anything she just got in the car and he drove off

Jaden: why are you crying why were you walking down the street with valentina and are you ok
Y: i'm crying because derek my now ex cheated on me i'm walking down the street because i have no idea where my car is and no i'm not ok i just want this to be a bad dream

jaden was looking at the road then he looked back at y/n and pinched her making her let out a small yell

Y: what was that for
Jaden: so you'd know this isn't a dream

y/n had a small smile appear on her face and when jaden noticed he smiled

Jaden: ok so he cheated oh well i know that's harsh but he's obviously not meant for you if it was that easy for him to cheat on you like think about it he was being extremely distant and always hanging out with those girls it was unfortunately only a matter of time
Y: you're right but i wish you weren't
Jaden: even though we don't have a shoot today right now is usually the time we'd go get our lovely hot chocolates so do you want to go now
Y: sure i don't care
Jaden: just a by the way no crying over hot chocolate and let your hair down you know you don't like it like that
Y: once again you're right

y/n let her hair down and jaden continued driving until they made it to the spot and they walked in sitting down then their waiter brought their usual and a booster seat for valentina so while jaden drunk his drink y/n put her in the seat then placed her breakfast which was mainly things like grapes and strawberries in front of her then while she started eating y/n sat back down drinking her drink and wiping her face

Jaden: she thats the spirit wipe those tears girl
Y: i'm only doing this because before we came in you threatened to smash my face in the cookies if i didn't
Jaden: like i said that's the spirit
Y: i hate you bruh
Jaden: well too bad because you're stuck with me
Y: sadly

jaden threw a cookie at y/n making her laugh then she straightened her face again

Y: i want to be sad stop
Jaden: but i like you better when you're happy so smile
Y: but i don't want to grandpa
Jaden: well too damn bad

y/n and jaden laughed their dumb tiktok reference then y/n just gave in and decided to be her usual happy self after a few hours of talking y/n and jaden paid then she picked up valentina walking outside with her and getting in the car then they drove off and y/n just started talking to jaden until she looked back up and saw she was at his house

Jaden: i'm not letting you go back to your house so come on we'll chill at mine
Y: ok that's fine by me

they got out the car and walked inside sitting down on the couch and jaden grabbed valentina from y/n and valentina looked at him smiling then he pulled y/ns phone out of his pocket handing it to her

Y: oh my phone
Jaden: you were really drunk last night and you left it in my car so since i didn't want derek going through it so i just kept it
Y: thank you i guess it wouldn't have mattered anyways though since obviously he had someone else in mind
Jaden: do you want to talk about it
Y: i don't know to be honest i really don't even know how to feel
Jaden: then how about a movie
Y: a movie actually sounds great


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