part 113

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some more months past and everyone was at a baseball game watching while y/n had the baby which she named keith jr sitting in her lap clapping his hands and mumbling words while gumming on his fist

Y: do y'all want anything from the concession stand
Derek: uhh i want popcorn and a large coke
Y: ok anyone else
Ashley: i'm coming with you
Y: ok the rest of y'all just make sure to text me what y'all want

ashley and y/n got up picking the babies up with them while kehlani and valentina stayed and they went to the stand getting the food for everyone then someone came up to them

Y: um can i help you
??: yea you're y/n right
Y: why does that matter who are you
??: i have a surprise for you if you'll just follow me
Y: i'm good you sound like a pervert
??: it's something you'll like
Y: well then you can do it in front of everyone i'm
in seats two hundred eight
??: alright i'll send the surprise there or later

y/n walked off with ashley from the stranger then they went back to their seats giving everyone their food the game went on normally and the stranger didn't come back so y/n just pushed the thought in the back of her head and enjoyed the rest of the game until the kiss cam came on and derek looked at y/n about to kiss her but she swerved him handing the baby to ashley and scooting over once the camera moved off of them derek looked at her

Derek: bruh you just embarrassed me
Y: you embarrassed yourself i don't know why you thought a baseball game would make me want to kiss you but it didn't work so stop trying i don't want to kiss you i don't want to be with you leave me alone bruh
Derek: i made two mistakes and you can't seem to let that go
Y: because i had a guy that didn't make any and you can't top that so leave it alone leave me alone
Derek: i've been the only father figure in that babys life 
Y: you barely do anything for him you bought him a shirt when he was first born that's it every time we get into an argument you mention something about him not being yours so don't lie like you do anything for him you just want a piece of validation he's not yours and i'm not going to ask you to act like he is i know who his dad is and wether he comes back or not you're not gonna replace him so drop this shit and stop trying to come back to me you played me for nupur then you slept with my sister there is never going to be an us again

the game went on and once it ended they all got up walking out talking and laughing about random things then y/n handed kj to ashley and she brought him to the car while she argued with derek until he walked off and as she was about to walk off someone spun her around kissing her but she pulled away but once she saw who it was she kissed them back ten times harder while her eyes started watering and they wrapped their arms around her back while the others didn't notice and kept walking as they stayed like that then once they moved apart they just looked at each other then y/n laughed

Y: you were the surprise
Keith: yea i was
Y: what happened i thought you had to go
Keith: i did but i talked it over with my boss and he agreed to let me stay with you
Y: so you're back for real
Keith: back and here to stay

y/n kissed keith again and he picked her up so she wrapped her legs around him kissing him again

Y: there's someone i want you to meet
Keith: please don't tell me you moved on
Y: what boy no now come on

y/n hopped down and she grabbed keiths hand walking to the others and dereks smiling face went to a blank expression and y/n reached in the car pulling the baby out then she handed him to keith and he just looked at him before his eyes started watering

Keith: he's mine
Y: yea he's yours
Keith: why didn't i know
Y: i knew you had to go and i promised to not ask any questions if you ever told me that and i didn't mention him because i knew if i did you'd try to come back and it could be deadly to all of us
Keith: i knew i could count on you
Y: you always can
Keith: i love you
Y: i love you too
Keith: ...can i talk to you privately
Y: yea

keith put the baby back in the car kissing his head then he grabbed y/ns hand pulling her to the side where no one could see them and he took her ring throwing it as far as he could then he got down on one knee while y/n stood there with her hand over her mouth and her eyes watering

Keith: i left with the thought that i'd never be able to kiss you again or see you i left with so much pain in my heart i wanted to cry until i couldn't feel anymore but when i was finally able to convince my boss i felt like i was alive again and when i saw you walking every memory came back every i love you every good night and good morning i've missed you so much and i don't want to be away from you ever again i'm sorry i left out of nowhere but i had to i had no choice but i'm making a huge choice right now i'm next in line to run the mob so if you say yes you're saying yes to joining and running it with me i can protect you and i will because i love you still as much as i did before i left and you saying yes would show me that you love me the exact same so y/n that brings me to this question...will you marry me


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