part 76

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after that they went to the park actually getting on a few rides that the kids could also go on then they walked around letting the girls meet princesses and get food shaped as disney characters they even bought headbands and souvenirs while the kids were in the strollers playing with the toys derek gently tapped y/ns shoulder pointing towards the castle so they walked in front of it taking a few pictures then before they left derek pulled y/ns hand back to him and took a deep breath

Derek: y/n i love you so very much and i couldn't imagine my life without you yes we've had arguments and disagreements just like any other couple but i don't want to be like any other couple when i'm with you i feel free a different type of free that makes me feel like i can truly be myself i never thought i'd fall in love with anyone in a million years but i did and it was you i guess what i'm trying to say is will you please marry me

y/n turned around walking away a little while derek stood there with his head down then once he wasn't paying attention she turned back around running
to him and jumping on him then once he caught her and looked up making eye contact she smiled and shook her head

Y: yes derek of course i'll marry you

derek smiled then kissed y/n with tons of love and passion while strangers around them clapped after a while y/n hopped down and hugged him and he hugged her back then the clapping slowly died down until it stopped and they pulled away after that derek slipped the ring on y/ns finger and kissed her one more time

Derek: i love you so fucking much bruh
Y: i love you ten times more

derek smiled then wrapped his arm around y/n while she went back to pushing valentinas stroller and talking to derek about wedding day ideas and dresses then they made it back to the others and they talked for a few more hours until they started walking back to the hotel

Isa: ok i wasn't gonna point it out but i see the ring bitch as you should hoe
Y: haha yes as you should it's cute ain't it
Isa: it sure is girl i'm waiting for a ring on my finger
Mattia: got damn it
Bryce: aww big boy mattia chances are gone
Nico: bruh shut up he's with peyton
Peyton: what are y'all whispering about
Niko: none guy stuff
Ayaina: anyways i think you should have us wear red dresses because i feel like i wouldn't look good in any other color
Derek: nah orange is gonna be the theme for sure
Y: orange i wanted pink
Derek: no orange
Y: we'll decide even though it's gonna be pink
Derek: nah that's what you think
Y: babe do you know how hard it's gonna be to find orange bridesmaids dresses the color's pink
Derek: fine if you want pink we'll do pink
Derek: i get to pick the venue decorations
Y: as long as they match the theme then knock yourself out
Derek: bet i can already see it now
Y: then close your eyes
Derek: ooo it's smart asses like you

y/n laughed as they kept walking and talking then once they finally made it back to the hotel they all went their separate ways again and when derek and y/n were in the room going through all the clothes she bought there was a knock on the door so she got up answering it

Kobe: can i talk to you for a second
Y: yea one sec

y/n turned around mouthing who it was to derek then once he caught on he shook his head and she walked out into the hall closing the door behind her

Kobe: i just wanted to tell you that it was just a video i didn't mean anything by it i didn't mean i'd cheat on isa either i just meant that yea obviously you're attractive anyone can back me up on that so of course i gave the answer i did no disrespect towards you and dereks relationship it was just for entertainment purposes
Y: yea i understand that personally i'm not mad but i could see why isa or derek would be because you're supposed to be like a brother to derek and it's not very reassuring when you hear your brother say he'd sleep with your girl or isa when you hear your boyfriend saying he'd sleep with your best friend
Kobe: ok if it bothers them why doesn't it bother you
Y: because i would never sleep with you so i know it's just for entertainment
Kobe: wow that's an ego deflator
Y: i'm not saying you're ugly i just personally wouldn't do it because one you're dereks friend and two i'm with derek obviously
Kobe: so if you were single and i wasn't dereks friend then you'd sleep with me
Y: that's not at all what i'm saying
Kobe: i mean that's what i heard
Y: goodnight kobe

y/n rolled her eyes walking inside the room and closing the door then once she did she saw derek sitting down on the bed holding up the barbie outfit she bought

Derek: when we get home you're putting this on

y/n smiled then sat back on the bed next to derek snatching the outfit out of his hand while he kissed her and she kissed him back then she laid her head on his shoulder still looking through clothes while he held her hand messing with her fingers


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